I had to look this one up: ratchet means an uncouth woman. The French Laundry in Napa serves a delicious Giant Oreo cookie for dessert. This is all well and good, but as I've said numerous times, the single issue that really divides this country is abortion. If you are a woman in an abusive relationship, consult a Catholic priest. The Church has taught that abortion is grave sin (the Didache) since the 1st century.
Harris has no children and is stepmother to her husband's two children, both in their 20s. She received a $500,000 advance from the publication of three books, one a memoir, The Truths We Hold. Truth doesn't change because we are living in the 21st century. O Jesus, my Savior and Redeemer, Son of the living God, behold, we kneel before Thee and offer Thee our reparation; we would make amends for all the blasphemies uttered against Thy holy name, for all the injuries done to Thee in the Blessed Sacrament, for all the irreverence shown toward Thine immaculate Virgin Mother, for all the calumnies and slanders spoken against Thy spouse, the holy Catholic Church. O Jesus, who hast said: "If you ask the Father anything in My name, He will give it to you," we pray and beseech Thee for all our brethren who are in danger of sin; shield them from every temptation to fall away from the true faith; save those who are even now standing on the brink of the abyss; to all of them give light and knowledge of the truth, courage and strength for the conflict with evil, perseverance in faith and active charity! For this do we pray, most merciful Jesus, in Thy name, unto God the Father, with whom Thou livest and reignest in the unity of the Holy Ghost world without end. Amen. Notes
Title: Father General Saint Francis Borgia, SJ
performing Last Rites (Borgia: 1510-1572) Artist: Francisco Goya (1746–1828) Date: c. 1788 Location: Valencia Cathedral The painting is thought to depict an exorcism. Like a confession, an exorcism is sealed. Hollywood actress, age 33
As a precaution against the possibility of enemy Japanese bomber aircraft coming into American airspace from the Pacific, safety beacons normally used to direct night flights had been turned off, leaving the pilot and crew of the TWA flight without visual warnings of the mountains in their flight path. - Wikipedia Here is a list of current officeholders in the USA who are members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), a political nonprofit organization, not a political party. DSA members and endorsees usually run as members of the Democratic Party, Green Party, Working Families Party, or as independents.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Democratic_Socialists_of_America_public_officeholders The size of my readership is pretty good, but I seem to be preaching to the choir, which is not my aim and never has been. While I wait for editing to be finished on the short stories Alexander and I are co-writing, I will continue blogging. The first story is in editing with ScottEditorial.com. Here is a sample of a fantasy arm to illustrate our direction. ![]() He's the catechism guy. She's smart and attractive. Look where the labels affixed to him are coming from: cafeteria Catholics, impractical Catholics, USCCB, America (Jesuit), National Catholic Reporter (dissenters), pope-splainers, Francis, country-clubbers, Reagan-style/out-of-touch folks, white supremacists, older folks, and media, but academia and publishing are the most Marxist-infiltrated groups of all. Silence the messenger and you kill the message.
Jennifer Kim of the Small Business Administration testified before Congress. To a person, the Democrat bureaucrat answers no questions directly and shows his or her contempt of Congress in full. What have we got? DEI - diversity, equity, and inclusion. Nearly half of all working people are employed by a small business. Over 80% of small businesses have no staff, but 62 million people work in these settings. I owned a small business for three years.
You are invited to play the new board game, Who’s the Liar?
The miniatures wear black and white stripes. As you flip the cards with questions, move your piece forward one space if you correctly answer a question. As with all board games, fun is the objective. Age level: 14 and above Answers Pope Francis Francis said he knew nothing about abusers Cardinal McCarrick and Bishop Gustavo Oscar Zanchetta. He gave Cardinal Danneels, cover-up expert, continued access to the Vatican. He made Fernando Vérgez Alzaga, L.C., into a cardinal, a man who is a member of the Legionaries of Christ and most certainly knew about Marcial Maciel. He allowed Cardinal Pell to be falsely accused. He failed to discipline Bishop Michael Hoeppner, who was sued for coercion. He reinstated Father Marko Rupnik despite his excommunication. Trump The Trump Organization has over 22,000 employees, and the company follows all the laws and regulations. He gave back his presidential salary to the government. Since entering politics, he might have lost money earned before entering politics. He supports law enforcement, the military, and his family. He defends Christianity and chose a Catholic to be his running mate. A modernist nun I know called Trump a liar. If I asked her, “Can you name one lie?” the woman who follows opinions and dictates could not. Did you win or lose? From Afghanistan to Vietnam, in fifty-two, mostly Muslim-majority countries, Catholicism is illegal or very persecuted. What's your reaction?
“The U.S. Navy has reached a settlement with sailors who filed a lawsuit over the service’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, ending a nearly four-year saga that pitted Navy SEALs and other service members against their commander in chief.
“Under an agreement in the case announced Wednesday, Navy sailors who refused the vaccine for religious reasons can now have their records corrected and will be protected against discrimination on promotion boards for the next three years, according to their attorneys. “Promotion boards ‘must not consider any adverse information related solely to COVID-19 vaccine refusal in cases in which a religious accommodation was requested,’ according to a release from the First Liberty Institute, a nonprofit legal organization that defends religious liberties, and the law firm Hacker Stephens LLP.” … “Roughly 17,000 service members refused the vaccine, and more than 8,400 were discharged for their decision, including 3,717 Marines, 2,041 Navy sailors, 1,841 Army soldiers, and 834 Air Force and Space Force members. … https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/07/24/navy-seals-sailors-who-refused-covid-vaccine-will-have-records-expunged-after-legal-settlement.html#:~:text=Under%20an%20agreement%20in%20the,years%2C%20according%20to%20their%20attorneys. The archdiocese of Liverpool ejected the ICKSP from Wigan, England, over the Latin Mass as a result of Traditionis custodes. The ICKSP offered to buy the church property (St. Mary's) from the archdiocese. No deal.
Latin Mass churches typically bring in more money than the others. The ICKSP, FSSP, and SSPX send a portion of the Sunday collection to the order. Prelates were overheard, saying, "Let's apply a 'Shylockian' stranglehold." A stranglehold is illegal in wrestling. Implausible? Pray for me if convinced my blog is in a stranglehold and my brain lacks oxygen, but know this: I routinely do a short examination of conscience, the long version of which is in the 1962 Missal, pp 1793-1798. Jacob talks about the different levels of serving.
In its essentials, the Latin Mass traces its roots to the Last Supper, takes its form under Pope St. Victor I (A.D. 189-199), and is in Greek or Greek and Latin. By 300, the Mass is entirely in Latin. Recall that in 382 Pope St. Damasus I commissioned Jerome, the leading biblical scholar, to produce a more acceptable Latin version of the Bible from the various translations then in use. The Council of Trent reaffirmed. 1994 Harris takes a leave of absence from her job as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County when Willie Brown, Democratic Speaker of the California State Assembly, appoints her to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, a position that pays $97,000 annually.
1994-1998 Five months later, Harris resigns from the insurance board, and Brown appoints her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a position that pays over $70,000 annually. The medical commission met twice a month, and Harris missed about 20% of the meetings each year, according to commission records. The seven-member board was largely comprised of late-career former state officials who were semi-retired or biding their time before retirement. At 30, Harris was the youngest appointee by some 30 years. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/1014836/kamala-harris-launched-political-career-with-120k-patronage-job-from-boyfriend-willie-brown/
During the hiring process, 66% of business leaders say they highly value whether a candidate has a bachelor’s degree, and 31% say they value it somewhat.
However, when considering the practical skills and experience needed for job performance, 77% of business leaders state their company is very likely (27%) or likely (50%) to favor experience over college education. This shift highlights a growing recognition of the value of hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the workplace. www.intelligent.com/1-in-3-companies-eliminated-bachelors-degree-requirements-so-far-this-year/ British and Americans rescued survivors, bro. Can't say the same for others.
Catholic app blocked in China cyberspace. With twenty million downloads on Apple app stores, this is the first time the app has been blocked. Francis made a secret deal with China in January 2018. Uh-huh.
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Flannery O'Connor said, "The grotesque reminds us that the world is mysterious; we cannot ever acquire enough knowledge to render it completely explainable. It reminds us of our limited, if disturbing, creativity in the face of such a world. The grotesque unmasks the distortion and brokenness of the fallen world." I think that one of the seven deadly sins is displayed to show wretchedness and is, perhaps, the stuff of dreams only. The video is long, but it could give me some ideas for the short stories we are writing. There are about a hundred drawings by my "apprentice", though I'm not always sure who the apprentice is. Sometimes, I ask him to explain his drawings. Cantwell served in Berkeley, San Francisco, and the diocese of Monterey-Los Angeles, as it was, before becoming the archbishop of Los Angeles where, with an eye on the film industry, he founded the Catholic Motion Picture Actors Guild of America, June 1923.
One must wonder, as the months and months have rolled by, who had a finger on the "nuclear button", a figurative term, and who does now? Who is singular and plural, but the commander-in-chief makes the final decision in a time of war.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 11: [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water; . . . "...These cases settled whether a state of war could exist without a formal declaration by Congress. When hostile action is taken against the Nation or against its citizens or commerce, the President may resort to force in response. "But whether the Constitution empowers the President to commit troops abroad to further national interests absent a declaration of war or specific congressional authorization short of such a declaration has been controversial.21 "The Supreme Court has not addressed this issue22 and lower courts have generally not adjudicated the matter on political question grounds.23 Absent judicial guidance, Congress and the President have had to reach accommodations with each other."24 https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artI-S8-C11-3/ALDE_00013589/#:~:text=Article%20I%2C%20Section%208%2C%20Clause,Land%20and%20Water%3B%20.%20.%20.&text=The%20Articles%20of%20Confederation%20vested,foreign%20relations%20in%20the%20Congress. A son of Hamas speaks boldly.
Please listen to a 15-minute exposé of radical Islam. He says, "The Muslim Brotherhood is here in the United States." https://www.prageru.com/video/mosab-hassan-yousef-my-father-founded-hamas |
February 2025