Forsaken by all and church. Slandered at church and no apology. Priority of apology friends don't perceive.
What makes Francis evil is that he equalizes all religions. Somewhere in his Vatican there is a coexist bumper sticker covering over a Crucifix. Orthodox, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etcetera, none of them evangelize, none of them send out missionaries. The direct command was issued, and the apostles spread the faith everywhere. Francis can swim around in boiling stew with equal amounts of potatoes, vegetables, and tripe, but I am moving on, past this little caesar, this little napoleon. We are living through events as acute as the Great Schism of 1054 and the protestant revolt in the 1500s. The major difference now is that the pope is leading. And San Francisco is done, to resurrect only after another Great Fire and Earthquake.
54 poems 74 short stories 41 novels 169 classics (guaranteed) As a traffic boy, I ogled lots of cars, and the first time I saw this one, its long, classical line captured my attention. A button folds the white top into the trunk.
Before the Common Era. Now we have two examples, one by Benedict XVI and one by Francis, of the Vatican using BCE in place of BC (Before Christ) when citing sources in English-translated Vatican documents. Try to explain that to a child. He or she will ask, "What is the Common Era?"
from the Catholic Herald -
Tennessee Williams 1911-1983 The Pulitzer-winning playwright of A Streetcar Named Desire, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and The Glass Menagerie was raised Episcopalian, but was influenced by his brother, who had become a 1969...the Jesuit who handled the pre-baptismal confession [of Tennessee] called it “the shortest confession in history”.... While two astronauts, Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, are stranded on the International Space Station, NASA focuses on skin color, gender, sexual groups, and disabilities. Science isn't fiction: 2024 isn't 2024: it's 1984.
The West Coast's first human composting facility offers a green, gentle return to nature. This business says it offers an alternative to the traditional burial. You are composted. Science isn't fiction: 2024 isn't 2024: it's 1984.
Title: Violin Concerto in D Major
Orchestra: National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America Composer: Peter Tchaikovsky 1840-1893 Place composed: Clarens, Switzerland Music style: Russian Romanticism Date: 1878 The first time I heard the music was in college. The school library had a room with earphones and a large collection of records. Mr. T was a pianist! How did he accomplish this? Josef Kotek, violinist and friend, talked to him about the violin. I could never have taken to this instrument. It's too close to the face. Piano keys are the right distance away. Cather's story was published in 1900, two weeks after Crane's death. They met at the offices of the Nebraska State Journal after it had published The Red Badge of Courage. He was just two years older than Cather and died from TB.
Two towns in Nevada I love are Elko and Ely. I can't explain it. From out of these remote places came American mothers and their WWII sons and daughters. Grandma Louise's father was a gold assayer at Johnsville in Northern California. They came from Tombstone, circa 1898. See 1800s.
Virginia City, NV 39.3095° N, 119.6500° W Johnsville, CA 39.7607° N, 120.6955° W,_Georges_Seurat,_1884.png
Title: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte Artist: Georges Seurat (1859–1891) Style: genre art, pointillism Date: 1884 and 1886 Collection: Art Institute of Chicago Accession number: 1926.224 Cancelled, dismissed by Barry Knestout, a so-called successor to the apostles. Father Mark White blog (mature content) - God performs miracles that saints request. In 2018, Francis disgraced the saints of China when he signed a secret deal with communist China.
Anna was a Latin Mass Catholic...there was nothing else. All but two of 10,000 recognized saints attended this 2,000-year-old form of worship. Reconsider any opposition you have. If your objection is to Latin, are you saying, "My language is better"? Or, are you resistant to learning? It's one hour of your time. FYI Your language ain't sacred. Alexander and I will be publishing content on Patreon in the coming weeks. You can find us by going to when the account is up and running. I will keep you posted.
The archbishop of Panama City, Panama, invited all to an event called “Afternoon of Open Temples” on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which occurs every year on August 15. He encouraged Catholics to participate in activities in places that teach beliefs contrary to the Church’s teachings. On that day he slipped into the dirty canal waters of indifferentism and sank, and the mask didn't prevent him from sucking up. In August 1832 Pope Gregory XVI issued an encyclical titled, Mirari vos, “That you wonder”, subtitled “On Liberalism and Religious Indifferentism.” He defined the term as the opinion that one religion is as good as another. He condemned it and stated that it was a state’s duty to curtail false, immoral doctrines, and he denounced the freedom to publish indiscriminately. Mendieta published the Open Temples invitation. He won't need a change of clothes for the coffin, because where he's going, socks burn. Allahu Akbar!
When is the last time this incurable mortal has visited a Latin Mass church? Cancelled Bishop Strickland says 1) the betrayal of Christ today is on the level of Judas's betrayal of Christ, and 2) the Vatican suppressed the Third (and Final) Secret of Fatima, warning that apostacy would transpire after 1960 from the top. Fatima is certified truth and no joke.
in four languages honoring the greatest of His creatures Latin Vulgate Bible, St. Luke Chapter 1 46-55 St. Jerome translated the Bible into Latin between 383 and 404. The New Testament was originally in Greek, and he was working with that, and as he went on, he corrected the Old Testament against the Hebrew original. These three languages are nailed to the cross and are sacred. One thing you can say about Latin is that the language is more tactile than English. As Andy Math says, "How exciting." See the word sēmeni. The Latin word, sēmen, means seed and is the root of the English word, semen. Because Latin does not change, there can be no taboo words, as there are in English. We must carefully choose our words when speaking publicly, and so the word is translated as children. In a way, Latin is frozen. Freezing food is a way to preserve it, making this language perfect for the ageless Eucharist. Do I like parsing my spoken language? At my desk, but not in the street. Gallup
March 25, 2024 US Catholics who attend Mass weekly or nearly weekly 2000-2003 45% 2011-2013 40% 2021-2023 33% Percent of change minus 12 Among religious groups, Catholics show one of the larger drops in attendance. See also papa mortuus est. Kudos Francis, US Conference of Catholic Bishops! Francis revised the Catechism of the Catholic Church Aug. 2, 2018
2267. Recourse to the death penalty on the part of legitimate authority, following a fair trial, was long considered an appropriate response to the gravity of certain crimes and an acceptable, albeit extreme, means of safeguarding the common good. Today, however, there is an increasing awareness that the dignity of the person is not lost even after the commission of very serious crimes. In addition, a new understanding has emerged of the significance of penal sanctions imposed by the state. Lastly, more effective systems of detention have been developed, which ensure the due protection of citizens but, at the same time, do not definitively deprive the guilty of the possibility of redemption. Consequently, the Church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that “the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person”, and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide. Redemption can come at any time when the condemned confesses to a priest. Does Francis not believe in the salvific grace of absolution? What is the new understanding? Who is behind the change? In his 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti, Francis said that war is a "false solution" to problems in the world. He said, “War can easily be chosen by invoking all sorts of allegedly humanitarian, defensive or precautionary excuses, and even resorting to the manipulation of information. In recent decades, every single war has been ostensibly ‘justified’” (FT 258). St. Augustine discussed the Just War. Francis wipes him off the map. Who is behind the action?
Saint painted 1854 Title: Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII Artist: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (1780–1867) Collection: Louvre, Department of Paintings, Denon, 1st floor, room 77 AI and amateurs offer mere opinions on Francis.
AI and amateurs are not canon lawyers and/or Catholic priests. Whenever answering a social media question, especially on faith and morals, my obligation is to go the original sources. If I fail to do so, I could mislead someone. The present situation is tricky. Priests in Latin Mass orders, such as the SSPX and FSSP, teach and preach the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but there are others who do not and must be checked against the Catechism. Throughout my blog I have cited the Code of Canon Law, the Catechism, and Latin Mass priests, with emphasis on those who are eyewitnesses, exorcists, bishops, popes, and/or saints. Though a few saints accepted the New Mass of 1969, all others adhered to tradition. Sometimes I rely on my own knowledge and experience, but that is to be taken as such. I do not quote non-Catholics. While they might say something interesting, they have no credentials and are Francis amateurs. Dominican St. Antoninus 1459 — “In the case in which the Pope would become a heretic, he would find himself, by that very fact alone and without any other sentence, separated from the Church. A head separated from a body cannot, as long as it remains separated, be head of the same body from which it was cut off.”
Jesuit St. Robert Bellarmine 1610 — “A Pope who is a manifest heretic automatically ceases to be a Pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church.” Salesian St. Francis de Sales 1622 — “Now when the Pope is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church …” For fear of being assassinated by the Vatican, Archbishop Vigano lives in an undisclosed location. There are many in the secular and religious media who say he is a crazy man. Stack them up against Vigano in his own words. ATTENDITE A FALSIS PROPHETIS Announcement regarding the start of the extrajudicial criminal trial for schism (Art. 2 SST; can. 1364 CIC) [signed] + Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop June 20, 2024 S.cti Silverii Papæ et Martyris B.ti Dermitii O’Hurley, Episcopi et Martyris Excerpt from Vigano’s statement: “I repudiate the neomodernist errors inherent in the Second Vatican Council and in the so-called ‘post-conciliar magisterium,’ in particular in matters of collegiality, ecumenism, religious freedom, the secularity of the State, and the liturgy. “I repudiate, reject, and condemn the scandals, errors, and heresies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who manifests an absolutely tyrannical management of power, exercised against the purpose that legitimizes Authority in the Church: an authority that is vicarious of that of Christ, and as such must obey Him alone. This separation of the Papacy from its legitimizing principle, which is Christ the High Priest, transforms the ministerium into a self-referential tyranny. “No Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this ‘Bergoglian church,’ because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the Popes of history and with the Church of Christ.” Thus, Vigano and St. Thomas Aquinas lead me to some conclusions:
Tomorrow is the 14th Sunday after Pentecost. |
January 2025