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If you have a remote car key, a fob, lock the car or truck up close, not from a distance, such as inside your house.
This cleverly worded scene ignores 1) Annunciation: she knew from the beginning. "Is this really the son of God?" 2) Visitation: Elizabeth said, "Hail, full of grace..." "Is this really the son of God?" 3) Foot of the Cross: she stood there. "He doesn't need me anymore." 4) Seven Sorrows: she suffered terribly. "a little sad sometimes" 5) Nativity: His birth was painless. "Nothing about it was easy." So, suddenly and inexplicably Mary shows up? ah-ah 1) Presentation in the Temple for His circumcision 2) Finding in the Temple when He is left behind 3) Marriage at Cana 4) Feeding of 5,000 5) Sermon on the Mount 6) Entry into Jerusalem 7) Carrying of the Cross 8) Ascension 9) Pentecost I said, "Thank you," when an SDA handed me the trash.
Another woman decried me for praying the rosary. Darn. These people fail to understand that Mary is both mother and disciple. Moreover, these things they must do to deny the sacraments, including Holy Orders and Confession, for it was men only at the Last Supper, His first Mass. Scripture does not interpret itself, Luther. Luther died of a stroke. More died a martyr. The stay-away list is long (misled teachers/on):
the isms
There are exceptions: those who understand the dangers that lie ahead.
Ryan Montgomery is co-founder of Pentester.
He has said never click on Pornhub. French teacher Peter Vlaming was fired in 2018 for shunning the use of pronouns to refer to a transgender-identifying student. On Sept. 30, 2024, the West Point School Board in Virginia agreed to pay him $575,000 in damages and attorneys’ fees. Pope's New Encyclical
Dilexit Nos means “He loved us” . The document is 31,369 words. Uh-huh. Did he write what ought to be in the present tense, not the past tense, or did somebody else? Der Freitag writer Steffen Kraft criticized him for drawing on anti-democratic and anti-technology philosopher Carl Schmitt and said that he "confuses cause and effect: it is not the hope for more transparency that has turned democracy into technocracy, but the refusal of even progressives to consider the consequences of information technology on the political process." At least technocracy focuses on merit, which is what a good educational system rewards. The encyclical is just another long-winded document the average person will never read while Church numbers decline and discord reigns. He and his lackeys have no contact with the real world or young people. Liszt
b. October 22, 1811, Raiding, Austria d. July 31, 1886, Bayreuth, Germany Height: 6′ 1″ And paintings of Liszt playing the piano show his hands to be long and spidery. The Catholic Church has always condemned anti-Semitism.
The Priestly Society of St. Pius X completely rejects the false claim that it teaches or practices anti-Semitism, which is a racial hatred of the Jewish people because of their ethnicity, culture or religious beliefs. The SSPX has always embraced the principle of Christian charity, founded in Christ’s command to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” Similarly, the Catholic Church throughout the ages has always condemned anti-Semitism, being properly understood as a racial hatred of the Jewish people. Today, accusations of anti-Semitism are also falsely and unjustly levied against those who disagree with Jewish beliefs or anti-Christian positions. The Catholic Church teaches its members to pray that the Jewish people will recognize Jesus Christ as the Messiah and convert to the Catholic Faith for their salvation. This perennial teaching of the Church is motivated by supernatural charity, not hatred. The Catholic Church desires the happiness of all people both in this life and the next. The Society of St. Pius X has always recognized and followed these teachings and does not allow any of its members to contradict them. District of the USA, SSPX I was informed that Father Daniel Nolan, FSSP, priest at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in Littleton, CO, had his faculty of preaching from the pulpit suspended for three weeks. Archbishop Samuel Aquila was the culprit. The sermon that caused the suspension was given at a 6:30am daily Latin Mass, Carmel of the Holy Spirit, Discalced Carmelite Nuns of Littleton, CO, an autonomous monastery. We think there was an outside mole.
Nolan graduated with a BS in Systems Engineering and received a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marine Corps. After training as an infantry officer, he was stationed in Camp Lejeune, NC, and over the next three years deployed to Okinawa, Cuba, Kuwait, Iraq, and the Republic of Georgia. He separated from the military in August of 2006 as a Captain, and, after a year of discernment and prayer, entered the seminary in the fall of 2007. Born June 10, 1976, he is the second oldest of thirteen children, four of whom were adopted. His brother is Fr. Justin Nolan, FSSP. The stage is set. Read update: Daniel Nolan FSSP I recommend four high schools, three San Francisco, one Sacramento.
1) Convent & Stuart Hall $57,900 2) The International School of San Francisco $57,160 3) San Francisco Conservatory of Music $54,400 4) Chesterton Academy of Sacramento $10,000 Tuition assistance is generous. I know students at 1, 2, and 4. San Francisco Ballet School I recommend the school connected to the San Francisco Ballet. One of the students, male, soccer player, attends, $4,414 for Level 1 to $10,348 for Level 8. This is similar to Vaganova in St. Petersburg, RU. Level 1 is age 10. Today in your Missal is Christ the King, looking for a home to lay down His head, living chastely though a man, and being obedient to His Father. Father Cyrille Perriol, SSPX, age 28, gave a solid sermon in his French accent on the victory at the Battle of Lepanto, October 7, 1571.
Father just returned from visiting his parents and brothers in Carcassonne. "If we do not defend the Church, no one will," he said. The leader, Don John of Austria, was 23. Father said that the Church has lost its pride, not the pride of any individual, but the pride of the whole. Attack spoken of is October 7, 2023.
I confirmed there are such purses for sale online. UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency Vice President Kamala Harris said that she would oppose religious exemptions in abortion laws if elected president. This stance could force Catholic hospitals to perform abortions, and if the hospitals refuse, they could be prosecuted, and it makes no difference that these women could go somewhere else. Kamala is a red apple. St. Luke is not a Catholic hospital. Twenty weeks is five months. A person has human DNA at conception. There is DNA in every cell. A Catholic monk sleeps in a cell. A prisoner is confined to a cell. A terrorist is part of a cell. A compartment of a honeycomb is a cell. A unit in a statistical array formed by the intersection of a column and a row is a cell. A receptacle containing electrodes and an electrolyte either for generating electricity by chemical action or for use in electrolysis is a cell. You talk on a cell, but a dead baby won't hear.
On Oct. 17, 2024, at a La Crosse, Wisconsin, rally for Kamala Harris, someone in the audience yelled, "Jesus is Lord." She said, "You're at the wrong rally." C-SPAN reported the "full transcript" but labeled the yell "inaudible".
Zebulon Pike mounted an expedition up the Mississippi River and recorded the location's name as "Prairie La Crosse". The name originated from a game with sticks resembling a bishop's crozier or la crosse in French. Our Indians, future Americans, played the game. The Mississippi is big. She is little. I'll accept the dates around Jesus, the art is so fine.
Some dates are estimates. One way to view art is to look at hands: they can bless or crush. Bathsheba's two fingers represent Solomon's choice between two babies. The music gave me a lump in the throat (fl = flourished). ___________________________________________________ David, Psalms poet Isaiah, penultimate prophet ___________________________________________________ An angel called to Abraham from Heaven and said, "Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him. I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me." That prefigured Jesus. Transfiguration Jesus was transfigured on a mountaintop with his face shining like the Sun and his clothes becoming white as light. Peter, James, and John, Jesus’ three closest followers, witnessed the Transfiguration. Moses and Elijah appeared and spoke with Jesus on the mountain. Moses represented the Law, and Elijah represented the Prophets. A voice said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him.” Elijah was taken away into Heaven alive during the Transfiguration. Also, Enoch had been taken away into Heaven alive so that he would not see death, meaning he was taken from a violent society where he would have been killed, like Abel, by the jealous and angry. Everything in the video and all I have said is a fair rendering of settled Catholic doctrine, which cannot be changed or challenged. You do so at your own peril. This video is si bon for understanding language and place. For example, "What is your lot in life?" “...But it’s striking that Shakespeare uses Catholic content rather differently from his contemporary dramatists, often embracing the contradictory connotations of, say, a friar [Romeo and Juliet], exploiting the figure’s nostalgic and threatening associations at the same time. This exploration of ambiguity seems to have been one way in which he thought through not only religious controversies, but also the very act of making fiction itself....” By Gillian Woods, January 23, 2016,least%2C%20he%20was%20a%20Protestant. As a middle child, I can live with ambiguity, but I learned as much or more from reading the stoics as reading Shakespeare, requiring too many annotations. The Douay-Rheims (Shakespeare time) has fewer annotations than other Bibles, and the 1962 Missal has virtually none. Stoics confirmed my suspicions:
Because Derek Anthony West is on the campaign trail for Kamala Harris, he is on leave from his job as Uber Senior Vice President/Chief Legal Officer/Corporate Secretary (appointed 2017). The former PepsiCo general counsel (2014), the former Associate Attorney General of the United States under Barak Obama (2013), is married to the sister of Kamala Harris. Kamala was born in Oakland in 1964. Tony was born in San Francisco in 1965. What a tangled web is woven amongst the upwardly mobile, by social climbers.
Uber compensation 2020 $12.3 million 2021 $ 7.4 million 2022 $10.6 million 2023 $10.4 million total $40.7 million Tony graduated Jesuit Bellarmine in San Jose. "Mr. West, did you ever read the Litany of Humility? Ha-ha. No, you haven't. That was overlooked at Bellarmine. Did you read any Marcus Aurelius or Seneca?" I attend both FSSP and SSPX. Lefebvre died from cancer in March 1991, age 85, in Martigny, Switzerland, and is buried in the crypt at the society's international seminary in Écône.
Anno Domini
0-33 Christ 53-117 Emperor Trajan reigned 98-117 61-113 Roman Magistrate Pliny the Younger 121-180 Emperor Marcus Aurelius reigned 161-180 Did Roman Emperor/Philosopher King Marcus Aurelius know of Christ? His writing would indicate the possibility. Pilate Pontius Pilate had been sent back to Rome, Peter and Paul had been converting prominent citizens there, and Pliny the Younger had been writing about the Catholics. Pliny Pliny wrote hundreds of letters, of which 247 survived. Some are addressed to reigning emperors or to notables such as the historian Tacitus. Pliny served as an imperial magistrate under Trajan, and his letters to Trajan provide one of the few surviving records of the relationship between the imperial office and provincial governors. As the Roman governor of Bithynia-Pontus, now Turkey, Pliny wrote a letter to Emperor Trajan around 112 and asked for counsel on dealing with Catholics. In the letter (Epistulae X.96), Pliny detailed an account of how he conducted trials of suspected persons who appeared before him as a result of anonymous accusations. He asked for the Emperor's guidance on how they should be treated. Pliny had never performed a legal investigation and thus consulted Trajan to be on solid ground regarding his actions. He saved his letters and Trajan's replies, and these are the earliest surviving government documents to refer to us. Ignatius The first use of the word "catholic" is recorded in a letter written by Bishop Ignatius of Antioch around 100. Antioch, an ancient city in the Roman Empire, now in the Hatay province of southern Turkey, is just north of the Syrian border. While on his way to Rome, where he met his martyrdom, Ignatius wrote a series of letters. This correspondence forms a central part of a later collection of works by the Apostolic Fathers. Vatican II, the Novus Ordo, the New Order, the New Mass, whatever you want to call it, wrecked the lives of many Catholic priests, nuns, and laypeople, and so affected everyone else, without exception. Hiding or lying about the truth is no answer. Adopting basic stoic principles will assist us whether we recover from the tragedy, or until we recover, or the natural world fails. Seneca Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger, usually known mononymously as Seneca, d. A.D. 65, was a Stoic philosopher of Ancient Rome, dramatist, and satirist in one work, from the post-Augustan age of Latin literature.
Ancient Pandateria, Agripinna's island of exile, is Ventotene today. Seneca died the same way Socrates died. At his trial for impiety and corrupting youth, for which he was sentenced to death, Socrates said of himself, "An unexamined life is not worth living." The dictum is recorded in Plato's Apology (reasoned argument): ho dè anexétastos bíos ou biōtòs anthrṓpōi. Is a forced suicide, suicide? Need I say who likes this hands-on fantasy game? A He gives me more than enough for writing. A has no façade. Adults do. next story - accident Follow the money: it leads to Iran. Our #1 and #2 enemies are the diabolical dictators in China and Iran. That is as plain to see as the nose on your face.
February 2025