Title: The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare Author: G.K. Chesterton 1874-1936 Birthplace: Campden Hill, London Genre: metaphysical thriller Published: 1908 (age 34) Religion: baptized at 48 left: Chesterton at 17
right: Bernard Shaw, Hilaire Belloc, Chesterton
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Writer/Director: Park Heung-Sik
Release Date: November 30, 2022 Runtime: 151 minutes Genre: drama based on a true story Country: South Korea Andrew Kim Taegeon, (1821 – 1846) is the patron saint of Korean clergy. I've been told he had a sinful life when young, and that makes him realistic. Unfortunately, I can't find a copy with English subtitles. Joe Ketzer, friend and tutor, sent me this photo of the 2024 nativity scene at the FSSP church, St. Paul's, Vienna, Austria. Mass is said daily, and confessions are heard beginning 1/2 hour before Mass. For me, confession is as important.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” General Sun Tzu (544 - 496 BC), The Art of War
BRICS is an intergovernmental organization comprising nine countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, plus Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. BRICS is a polyhedron. In geometry, a polyhedron is a solid figure with many faces, typically more than six. It is the Argentinian pope's favorite shape. “The worst thing you can possibly do in a deal is seem desperate to make it. That makes the other guy smell blood, and then you’re dead. The best thing you can do is deal from strength, and leverage is the biggest strength you can have. Leverage is having something the other guy wants. Or better yet, needs. Or best of all, simply can’t do without.” Trump (1946- ), The Art of the Deal. and The New York Times
I deleted 'conservative' networks when I discovered that their headlines exaggerated content.
Music: Tchaikovsky, Bayer, Rubenstein, Drigo, Pugni Math: Frequent time signature changes requiring a lot of counting Story: Bring dolls to life, as in a Twilight Zone episode in which mannequins come alive, one in particular, Marsha? The name Valerie comes from the Latin word valere, which means "to be strong", from the feminine French name Valérie. "Nonanomalous" means not irregular, unusual, or different. classic short story: The Box of Robbers machinist strike over
After watching you might be wondering about the workforce. What percentage are men? 76 Women? 24 The naturalized citizen was on the Asian American outreach team for the Biden 2020 campaign. Fast forward...in 2024, WIRED magazine named Li one of the top influencers shaping the Harris presidential campaign as an official content creator at the convention.
Li quote 12/19/2024 Wikipedia "I'm probably going to get canceled again for what I am about to say — men are men and women are women, and it's an issue when men are trouncing women in women's sports. This should not be a controversial take. "This is common sense, and the American people understand that the Democratic Party, they exist in their ivory towers that are so far removed from reality, and these ridiculous [culture] wars are not what Americans care about. . . "We care about bread and butter issues. We care about putting food on the table, sending our kids to school, strong borders, not having millions of people rush to the border, and I'm a naturalized immigrant myself. Just because you care about these issues doesn't make you a sexist, racist." The Vatican is making a visitation to St. Stephen the First Martyr, Sacramento, CA, on 2/15-2/17 in 2025. Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop Emeritus of Dublin, Ireland, (79) and Bernard-Nicolas Jean-Marie Aubertin, O. Cist., Archbishop Emeritus of Tours, France, (80) are the visitors.
Thomas Becket & Henry II Thomas More & Henry VIII Thomas Becket, Bishop/Martyr, was murdered on December 29, 1170, in Canterbury Cathedral. He died by the sword. Thomas More died July 6, 1535, on the chopping block. When they were executed, Becket was 50 and More 57. Oxford to London is about 60 miles, and London to Canterbury is about 70 miles. The priest is using what is properly used everywhere, the last edition of the Roman Missal (1962) and the Latin Vulgate Bible (A.D. 400). This is the same Mass in the same language that Becket said and More heard. It was their duty, and it is ours, always and everywhere to pass on that which was handed down from the beginning. There are many more prayers in the Latin Mass, some of which the priest whispers, and many more in the Roman Missal than in the new. Mine is 1,820 pages and is for a lifetime. GlobalX provides ad-hoc passenger charter and cargo airlift to destinations throughout the United States, Europe, Caribbean, and Latin America.
…Some Amway distributor groups have been accused of using "cult-like" tactics to attract new distributors and keep them involved and committed. Allegations include resemblance to a Big Brother organization with a paranoid attitude toward insiders critical of the organization, seminars and rallies resembling religious revival meetings, and enormous involvement of distributors despite minimal incomes. An examination of the 1979–1980 tax records in the state of Wisconsin showed that the Direct Distributors reported a net loss of $918 on average....
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amway# Betsy DeVos is married to the founder's son. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betsy_DeVos MLM is an acronym for multi-level misery. Streisand effect
It is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information where the effort instead increases public awareness of the information. The effect was named for the American singer/actress in 2003 when her lawyer attempted to suppress a photograph of her clifftop residence in Malibu. The photo was taken by someone else to document coastal erosion in California, and her lawyer's actions backfired. The effect is an example of psychological reactance, wherein once people are aware that some information is being kept from them, they are significantly more motivated to acquire and spread it. Tamayo Rodríguez Father José Pablo de Jesús Tamayo Rodríguez, Costa Rica, age 81, was excommunicated because he said that the pope was not validly elected. More and more priests are being canceled for saying the same thing. To find out his age, I had to view a TikTok video of a laywoman in Costa Rica saying that the excommunication is justified. The idiot is using TikTok to spread a message. My porn blocker does not occlude the communist promoter but don't worry. Vatican The charge against the Vatican is that it is acting like Streisand in its efforts to hide the naked truth. White martyr A white martyr is a person who has lived a life of total commitment to God and who has endured suffering in union with the cross of Christ without shedding blood. Priests who speak up are white martyrs. Pornographic, China-owned TikTok collects your personal information.
One Euro is about $1 now. Support jewelry schools and their graduates in the USA and abroad, such as the Academy of Art University, San Francisco. The school uses safe materials in carefully controlled workshops. I've walked through and watched the students at work. I took one girl to the ER when a jewelry saw pierced her forearm, and I stayed with her until the ER doctor extracted the saw, which is similar to a thin, long screw. It was a minor injury, but only an MD could safely remove it. Two of the sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance are 1) Oppression of the poor and 2) Defrauding the laborer of his wages. Senate Intelligence Committee chair says even civilian drones can be controlled by CCP [Chinese Communist Party]
By Ryan Edwards on December 26, 2024 "During an interview that aired on the Dec. 24 edition of NBC Nightly News, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Mark Warner, a Democrat from Virginia, said that any drones that are used by civilians are still a danger if they use Chinese software." https://dailyconservative.com/senate-intel-chair-says-even-civilian-drones-can-be-controlled-by-ccp/?utm_source=BPN&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=BPN2&utm_content=BPN2A Nigeria is about 1/2 Muslim.
Islam was introduced by merchants from the Senegalese basin and North Africa in the 11th century. The majority of Nigerian Muslims are Sunni, but there is a significant Shia minority. Portuguese missionaries introduced Catholicism to the southern half of Nigeria in the 15th century. During British colonial rule, however, other religions entered, including Anglicans, Pentecostals, Anabaptists, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Wikipedia's entry on Nigeria Air is inadequate. Hadi Sirika is Muslim. May 9, 2024 According to the BBC, Sirika has appeared in court on corruption charges, along with his daughter and son-in-law. A woman wants some money and decides to hire herself out as a handyman.
She canvasses a wealthy neighborhood and rings a doorbell. A man comes to the front door, and she asks if she can do an odd job for him. He says, "You can paint my porch. The blue paint and supplies are in the garage." She starts painting. Inside the house, the man's wife asks, "Does she know that the porch wraps around the entire house?" He answers, "Yes, of course she does." An hour later, the woman rings the doorbell again and says, "I'm finished." The man asks, "How did you finish the porch in such a short amount of time?" She replies, "It wasn't a porch. It was a yellow Porche." 10 Key Takeaways From the Vatican’s New Instruction on Catholic Education
April 11, 2022/in Blog Latest/by Patrick Reilly Recently, the Vatican issued a call for stronger Catholic identity in Catholic education. But will it do any good? The short answer: Yes, I think it will. The Congregation for Catholic Education’s new instruction on schools, “The Identity of a Catholic School for a Culture of Dialogue,” published March 29, could help tremendously, if dioceses take to heart its demands for truly faithful Catholic teaching across all subjects, hiring teachers who profess and witness to the Catholic faith, and intervening meaningfully when a school or teacher fails to provide faithful Catholic formation. Catholic families have been waiting more than 50 years for such firm commitment to Catholic identity, and already we have seen some exciting examples of dioceses and parochial schools overcoming the poor catechesis, poor formation, and high costs that eroded much of Catholic education in past decades. We have also seen the growth of lay-run independent schools, homeschool programs, and hybrid home-and-school programs that are serving a wide range of Catholic families. All dioceses can build upon these models to ensure a strong backbone of fidelity and authentic Christian formation in parochial schools and especially schools affiliated with religious orders — or if necessary, shut them down. Here are 10 key takeaways from the Vatican’s instruction. 1. Human Right to Education The instruction echoes the Vatican II declaration on Christian education (Gravissimum Educationis) that “education, as the formation of the human person, is a universal right.” That’s because human nature is always inclined toward truth and has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding of oneself and reality. 2. Catholic Education Is Better Education Any education should be “aimed at the integral education” of its students — which means not only intellectual but also moral, social, and cultural formation. Catholic education participates in the “evangelizing mission of the Church” by upholding and teaching the truths of the Catholic faith. When “reason enters into dialogue with faith,” students are better able to “transcend the mere data of the empirical and rational sciences” and rise to a better knowledge and understanding of the world, themselves, and God. 3. ‘Every Act in Accord With Catholic Identity’ The Congregation for Catholic Education declares that “every official act of the school must be in accordance with its Catholic identity.” Importantly, this runs across all academic subjects, not just religion class. And Catholic moral and social formation are also entwined with all the activities of Catholic education. The congregation says, “… there is no separation between time for learning and time for formation, between acquiring notions and growing in wisdom.” The school must “order the whole of human culture to the news of salvation.” For educators wishing to further explore Catholic identity according to the congregation’s past documents, I recommend Principles of Catholic Identity in Education. 4. Catholic Education Is for Catholic Families According to the Vatican instruction, Catholic education is primarily intended for Catholics, or at least Christians, for the growth and evangelization “of those who are already walking towards the fullness of Christ’s life.” The document encourages inclusive policies to help those on the margins and warns against excluding those who are not deemed “totally” Catholic, while stressing that there can be no compromise to the truths of Catholic teaching or the purpose of Catholic formation. 5. Parents Direct Their Child’s Education While the Church has the duty of evangelizing all people, the primary responsibility for the Catholic education of a child rests with the parents. Parents are “bound by the obligation” to provide a Catholic education, the congregation says, but “they have the right to choose the means and institutions through which” that education is provided. This explicit acknowledgment will be a comfort to homeschoolers. 6. Catholic Schools Need Clear Policies The congregation rightly instructs schools to establish formal guidelines, mission statements, employee policies, etc., to ensure fidelity and faithful evangelization. I find this especially gratifying and of the greatest importance. Convinced of the necessity of clearly stated and consistently implemented policies that protect schools from false ideologies, lukewarm faith, and threats to religious freedom, the Cardinal Newman Society has been working with education experts these last few years to provide recommended standards for every aspect of Catholic education — from academics to athletics to sexuality policies. 7. Obligations of Every Employee The Vatican affirms also that every member of the school community “has the obligation to recognize, respect, and bear witness to the Catholic identity of the school.” This includes “the non-teaching personnel,” for whom schools should “formulate clear criteria for discernment regarding the professional qualities, adherence to the Church’s doctrine, and consistency in the Christian life of the candidates.” This is a pleasant surprise! Two years ago, we thought it might be controversial when my colleague Dan Guernsey, senior fellow at the Cardinal Newman Society, argued for a “deep, permeating unity of purpose and conduct” among both teaching and non-teaching employees and urged moral standards for non-teaching employees. 8. Obligations of Every Teacher As for teachers, the congregation says that everyone (not just religion teachers) must be equipped with the “secular and religious knowledge” necessary to relate Catholic doctrine to their teaching. This is another surprise, challenging schools to hire well-formed teachers in all subjects — ideally, I would argue, graduates of the faithful Newman Guide colleges. The instruction says that, “by their life as much as by their instruction,” teachers must “bear witness to Christ, the unique Teacher” — which seems a clear note of support for schools dismissing teachers in same-sex civil unions. These teacher expectations are repeated elsewhere in the instruction. 9. Teachers Hold Ecclesiastical Offices Moreover, the Vatican affirms that the work of all Catholic school teachers “is in the real sense of the word an apostolate.” It later establishes the teacher — again, not only the religion teacher — as an ecclesiastical office according to Canons 145 and 936. This is a huge development with relevance to the “ministerial exception” that protects American Catholic schools from anti-discrimination lawsuits by ministers of the Church. 10. Bishops Have Great Authority Over Schools Because every Catholic school teacher holds a divine office, the bishop has the right to demand the removal of a teacher even at a school not controlled by the diocese, such as a Jesuit school. The Congregation’s instruction clarifies that even non-diocesan schools are obligated to follow all of the bishop’s precepts regarding Catholic identity in education. A bishop cannot remove the “Catholic” label from a school affiliated with a religious order, which is de facto Catholic by its affiliation, but the bishop could expel the school or the order from his diocese. (Expect a Vatican ruling on the Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School scandal soon.) There is much more to ponder in the congregation’s instruction, but it seems appropriate to end on the same hopeful note as the document, which reminds us of Catholic education’s evangelical mission: “… it is vitally important for the Church today to go forth and preach the Gospel to all: to all places, on all occasions, without hesitation, reluctance, or fear.” In this quote from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis sounds a lot like Pope St. John Paul II, who was devoted to the task of renewing faithful Catholic education. May St. John Paul II pray with us, that this renewal comes to fruition, for the glory of God and the good of his children. This article first appeared at the National Catholic Register. Copyright © 2024 The Cardinal Newman Society. Permission to reprint without modification to text, with attribution to author and to The Cardinal Newman Society, and (if published online) hyperlinked to the article on the Newman Society’s website. The views expressed herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of The Cardinal Newman Society. cardinalnewmansociety.org/10-key-takeaways-from-the-vaticans-new-instruction-on-catholic-education/ The only edits I made: adding Oxford commas. The research is not the final statement or the end, but it does show the differences between men and women, which have been blurred in the last four years.
Slightly Pollyanna, this 1950s travelogue offers an appalling view of what modern California has become today. The most popular television shows in the 50s and 60s were westerns and science fiction.
My first silent retreat, age 17, was at St. Francis Retreat in San Juan Bautista. An aerial view of Mission Vineyard Road shows that not too much has changed, except that it is Novus Ordo, which destroyed Mass and vocation. "This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k." A small amount of audio has been lost. Spanish fray means "brother", referring to a friar and originating from the Latin word frater, meaning "brother". A Ponzi scheme is an investment fraud that pays existing investors with funds collected from new investors. Organizers often promise to invest your money and generate high returns with little or no risk, but the fraudsters do not invest the money.
They pay out money to the original group with money from the new group to keep the original group from knowing that their money was never invested. Such schemes have been on the increase since the 1980s throughout the world and now a big one in China involving banks. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ponzi_schemes "...Over the past year, Milei eliminated 10 of Argentina’s 18 government ministries, capped the salaries of top bureaucrats, and fired 34,000 public employees, cutting government spending by 30 percent.
"After the U.S. election in November, Milei was the first foreign leader to meet with Trump, and members of the incoming Trump administration are tracking Milei’s progress...." https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/how-mileis-radical-reforms-turned-argentinas-economy-around-5779019?utm_source=Goodevening&src_src=Goodevening&utm_campaign=gv-2024-12-26&src_cmp=gv-2024-12-26&utm_medium=email&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa%2B0qex5CzdTG4pMJs2RQB%2Fp5xE6MY1CgEuSBRc6L4EHUUlru He became president on December 10, 2023, and follows the Austrian school of economics. "Thomas Sowell's book, The Einstein Syndrome: Bright Children Who Talk Late, was published in 2021 as a follow-up to his Late-Talking Children.
"In it, Sowell discusses what he calls the 'Einstein syndrome', which refers to the phenomenon of late-talking children. Sowell says these children are frequently misdiagnosed with autism or pervasive development disorder. "He includes the research of Stephen Camarata and Steven Pinker, among others. Sowell says this trait affected many historical figures who developed prominent careers, such as physicists Albert Einstein, Edward Teller, and Richard Feynman; mathematician Julia Robinson; and musicians Arthur Rubinstein and Clara Schumann. "According to Sowell, some children develop unevenly (asynchronous development) for a period in childhood due to rapid and extraordinary development in the analytical functions of the brain. This may temporarily 'rob resources' from neighboring functions such as language development.' Wikipedia distinguishes itself in its presentation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Sowell Experience taught me that children on the spectrum are normal. Yesterday I was talking to a very gifted young man who is studying physics, specifically nuclear reactor development, and is on the spectrum, and he said that the IQ test is useful only to diagnose and help those scoring below 80. Thomas Sowell, b. 1930, is an American economist, economic historian, social philosopher, political commentator, and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford.
FYI Ferguson, MO In 2014 the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, resulted in civil unrest by Ferguson's blacks. |
January 2025