This is a repost for those who are unaware of its history, trimmed a bit to make it readable.
The summary comes from Wikipedia, a resource I use because the entry on the Catholic Church is accurate and because entries go through a reviewing and editing process. If anyone has a better resource that is not too complicated, please provide a link. “The earliest surviving account of the celebration of the Eucharist or Mass in Rome is that of Saint Justin Martyr (died c. 165), in chapter 67 of his First Apology: … “The descriptions of the Mass liturgy in Rome by Hippolytus (died c. 235) and Novatian (died c. 250) are similar to Justin’s. … “It is unclear when the language of the celebration changed from Greek to Latin. Pope Victor I [pontiff 189-199, saint] may have been the first to use Latin in the liturgy in Rome. Others think Latin was finally adopted nearly a century later. The change was probably gradual, with both languages being used for a while. … “The Roman Missal that Pope Pius V issued at the request of the Council of Trent (1545-1563) gradually established uniformity within the Western Church after a period that had witnessed regional variations in the choice of Epistles, Gospels, and prayers at the Offertory, the Communion, and the beginning and end of Mass. “With the exception of a few dioceses and religious orders, the use of this Missal was made obligatory, giving rise to the 400-year period when the Roman-Rite Mass took the form now known as the Tridentine Mass.” We use the 1962 edition of the Missal. Its 1,850 pages are so good, so comprehensive, so eloquent that they are all I need for daily living. For example, the Morning Prayer contains references to Proverbs, Psalms, Lamentations, and Isaiah. The Mass itself is printed in Latin and the vernacular on each page. The 1962 was the last printing before certain men claimed that the spirit of Vatican II entitled them to start removing, rewording, reinventing, and retranslating every part of the Mass. See If possible, leave the New Order church, which is on a downward slope. Recommendations: FSSP, SSPX, ICKSP. There are a few other traditional religious orders. Do a search. Beginning in 2020, my church of St. Stephen the First Martyr in Sacramento doubled. We have 1,500 registered members and 104 altar boys, and this tremendous growth is the trend in America. I meet two to five new people every Sunday at 6. One of my ranching friends drives 130 miles one-way to get to Mass. Third Commandment. Memento mori (long version) Look behind. Remember thou art mortal. Remember you must die. Mass at 6pm yesterday, Ash Wednesday, entirely sung by priest and choir, was the third Mass of the day and so crowded that the parish hall next door had to be used. Confession started at 5:30 and extended to the end. We have 100% attendance at Sunday Mass.
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