A strange, wonderful historical note - 1846, Fordham University - the Jesuits befriended Poe, before they were “bewitched”, which the disastrous latter half of the 20th century revealed.
June 3, 1944, three days before D-Day
The priest carries what he needs in a box. A dog is attending Mass, too. Austen Ivereigh, Mauricio Lopez Oropeza, Paul Bere, David McCallum, Ormund Rush, Peter Hunermann, Massimo Faggioli, and James Martin. Number 28 in the list of accusations – we who adhere to tradition are guilty of “freezing doctrine.”
![]() photo courtesy of the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Service Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea are erupting together. Mauna Loa's last eruption was April 15, 1984. My sister smells sulfur. Pictures at night from the western side of the Big Island (Kona) are spectacular. These mountains are over 13,000 feet and have major telescopes atop.
Just remember that when the next person, or animal, speaks, start a new paragraph. Indentation for a new paragraph is optional now, but for school essays, indentation might be required. Follow the teacher’s directions or ask.
Dragon’s 26th Commercial Resupply Services (CRS-26) mission to the International Space Station was dispatched on 11/26/2022 from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The reusable rocket successfully landed back on Earth minutes later.
Starting December 5, 2022, Golden Hills Elementary School in Tehachapi, north of Los Angeles, will host an After School Satan Club.
From the San Francisco Chronicle - For years, the Satanic Temple, a group The Washington Post describes as a “nontheistic religious organization advocating for secularism and scientific rationalism,” has been launching these clubs in public schools where evangelical Christian groups — namely, the Good News Club — have their own meetings. The group says that in club meetings it is “not interested in converting children to Satanism” and that sessions “will focus on free inquiry and rationalism, the scientific basis for which we know what we know about the world around us.” … https://www.sfgate.com/california-news/article/school-satan-club-causes-stir-17595423.php The group describes itself as a sect that advocates for secularism. Secularism is anti-religion. The Satanic Temple will never produce great art and music. One could have guessed two and been right, but this solution is more like a proof demonstrating the use of the quadratic equation, root quattuor, Latin for four because there are four terms, including the zero. I have a friend whose last name is Ekk. If one saw his family approaching, one could say, “Here come the Ekks.” X
This is a clip from a 1963-65 sci-fi television show I liked as a youngster. The Zantis, pronounced "zanteez", are sent from a penal colony far away. Mission: establish Earth as another penal colony. A reading of Emily Dickinson’s poem, “Hope” is the thing with feathers A federal judge on 11/11/22 invalidated a Biden Administration rule that directed the Department of Health and Human Services to make sex change procedures and hormone therapy available to children. The judge argued that it was improper for the Biden administration to interpret Title IX to encompass ‘gender identity’ and that it could not be changed unless Congress introduces legislation to that effect or the US Supreme Court makes a different decision.
IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS, AMARILLO DIVISION, Susan Neese, et al., Plaintiffs v. Xavier Becerra in his official capacity as the Secretary of United States Department of Health and Human Services, et al., Defendants High school civics class The legislative branch makes laws. The executive branch enforces laws. The judicial branch interprets laws. Volcanos; tornados; dust storms; ocean waves; black sand beaches; green, white, and blue waterfalls; waterspouts; blowholes; multi-colored geyser fields; rice fields; mustard fields; gemmy lakes; sunrays; rainbows; mountains; rivers; verdant valleys; rain, snow, frost, and ice; cotton clouds; green and gold forests; and lots of math. Earth’s population has reached eight billion, and God’s creation bears the burden. Complaints notwithstanding, nowhere else in the universe has He done a better job. The picture shown is named “Louis XIV receiving Prince de Condé at château de Versailles”. The artist was Jean-Léon Gérome, and the painting was finished in 1878, long, long after Louis XIV.
Gérome belonged to the category of the official painters of the French Third Republic like Rochegrosse, who were called ‘Peintres Pompiers’ for specializing in historical representations. In 1846 he entered the prestigious Prix de Rome, Prize of Rome, but failed in the final stage because his figure drawing was inadequate, yet he went on to become one of the world’s most famous living artists. On the benefits of learning Latin - University of Kentucky https://mcl.as.uky.edu/benefits-latin Protestant view https://davenantinstitute.org/benefits-learning-latin/ Catholic view https://lourdesclassical.org/why-latin/ In the third entry, we hear from Dorothy Sayers (1893-1957) on the importance of Latin. She was a poet and the author of detective fiction from England, as well as a student of classical and modern languages who refused to call herself a feminist, believing in practicing women’s rights more than in preaching them. Shortly after her death in 1957, Latin instruction in schools was scaled back everywhere, as demonstrated by my high school. My cousin was required to take four years of Latin and graduated in 1957. I graduated in 1970 and was required to take two years. Not long after that, the Latin imperative was dropped altogether in favor of modern languages. Now, we Catholics who adhere to tradition are in a “defensive crouching posture,” according to the National Catholic Reporter.
This is the only authenticated photo of Dickinson 1846/7, born 1830 and died 1886, in the same place.
Father William Bowdern, SJ, 52, lead exorcist, and newly-ordained Father Raymond Bishop, SJ, 28, his assistant, did the 1949 exorcism of a teenage boy upon which the 1971 book and the 1973 film, The Exorcist, were based. Jesuit scholastics who were present during the exorcism were Walter Halloran, William Van Roo, John O’Flaherty, and Joseph Boland. Bishop and Halloran kept diaries. During the exorcism, which lasted for days, the possessed boy punched 27-year-old Halloran in the nose. It broke. https://www.slu.edu/news/2019/october/slu-legends-lore-exorcism.php Left Bowdern – photo courtesy of St. Louis University
Middle Bishop – photo courtesy of St. Louis University Right Halloran – photo courtesy of The Sun Best explanation - Baltimore Catechism 1962 Following are biblical sources: 2 Maccabees 12:41–46; 2 Timothy 1:18; Matthew 12:32; Luke 23:43; 1 Corinthians 3:11–3:15; and Hebrews 12:29.
The square root of -9 is 3i. What is i? It is an imaginary number. The answer has to do with complex numbers, not just with the real numbers on the number line.
Did you know that a medieval knight’s armor was modeled after a priest’s chasuble, called a fiddleback? They resemble the back of a fiddle (violin). The fiddleback is worn during the Latin Mass. Can you guess why? Pictured is just one example. Roman soldiers wore a breastplate, too.
Utah supplies almost 2/3 of the world’s beryllium. The world’s annual beryllium production of 220 tons is usually manufactured by extraction from the mineral beryl. Beryllium is used industrially in three forms: as a pure metal, as an alloy with copper, aluminum, magnesium, or nickel, and as beryllium oxide. Beryllium oxide is an important component of certain sensitive electronic equipment. Beryllium is #4 on the periodic table of elements: Be. One of my students collects mineral rocks. beryl left, bertrandite right, screenshots courtesy of chemistrytalk.org
Natural gas, an odorless mixture of hydrocarbons, predominantly methane, is not to be feared. Methane is about 5% of Titan’s atmosphere, the rest about 95% nitrogen, with small amounts of carbon-rich compounds. Natural gas is 32% of energy used in the US. https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/us-energy-facts/
February 2025