The terms for this Sunday and the two immediately before it, Sexagesima and Septuagesima, were wrongly eliminated in the Vatican II reforms and became Sundays in Ordinary Time. Imperial A Enoch Yuen of Hong Kong, Adam Jones of Hong Kong, Michael Mays of Scotland, Justin Lee of Hong Kong Cambridge A Harrison Whitaker of the USA, Sam Foo of Singapore, Agnijo Banerjee of Scotland, Oscar Despard of Ireland
I first heard Solesmes when I was 16, and the desire has never ebbed an inch. What is denied or taken away on Earth is given in Heaven. I look forward to it. What did I learn? Having a vocation is not as important as being obedient. They record live every day: the recording goes away after a few hours.
You think this was the New Order, concocted in AD 1969? King Henry II executed him so great was the king's fear.
No one fears the modernist church. That will be reversed. -The discriminant, 197, is not a perfect square, which is why the quadratic equation cannot be factored. Memorize the quadratic formula for the SAT.
-It only gives these geometric formulas: area and circumference of circle; area of rectangle and triangle; Pythagorean Theorem; properties of Isosceles triangle and 30, 60, 90 degree triangles; volume of rectangular solid, cylinder, sphere, cone, and pyramid. -A practical use of the quadratic equation would be designing a new sports bike and wanting to make a profit. Sample equation: P squared – 460P + 42000 = 0 God the Father has our obedience. My father was as important as my mother, and my nonconformity helped me learn obedience to God alone. Salvation is through the RC Church alone and no other, but God judges you at death, not me or anyone else. Say the Our Father.
Governor Gavin Newsom purchased a $9.1 million home in Marin County (5,600 square feet). You would need to make an annual income of nearly $2 million to qualify for a $9 million dollar house if purchased on a 30-year mortgage. The monthly payments would be $56,464.75 each month at today’s current interest rates. But if you bought it for cash, it is likely you are either a rock star or professional athlete, or a very successful hedge fund manager, or movie producer or drug dealer – and not a public servant politician. Newsom has held public office since 1996, for 28 years, when San Francisco mayor Willie Brown appointed him to the city’s Parking and Traffic Commission. Newsom was 29. The governor earns $203,939.40 from the State of California, and receives $95,063.16 in benefits, for a total $300,000 annually, Transparent California (TC) reports. [TC is a non-profit organization that provides a free, searchable database of the public records of California government employees.] The annual property tax on the new Marin property is over $117,000 a year, and there's that $56,000/month mortgage payment. How do you swing that on $300,000 a year? As Jennifer Van Laar reported in 2020, Newsom had “chronically delinquent property taxes in both Marin and Sacramento counties: Newsom’s delinquent on more than $20,000 in property taxes for his Kentfield estate (which was last listed for $5.9 million) according to the Marin County Department of Finance’s website.” In December 2018, an LLC registered to Newsom’s cousin, business partner, and Co-President of PlumpJack, Jeremy Scherer, paid $3.7 million cash for a Fair Oaks estate. In October 2019, the LLC “gifted” the home to Newsom free and clear, claiming Newsom was a member of the LLC to avoid a $4,000 Transfer Tax. In January 2020, Newsom received $2.7 million tax-free when he and is wife obtained a cash-out refinance, Jen Van Laar reported at Redstate. Since Newsom didn’t buy their 12,000-square-foot $3.7 million in Fair Oaks (Sacramento), they probably have a little left over from the $5.9 million sale of their Kentfield home, the Globe reported. Except, according to Van Laar, that home was mortgaged to the hilt. And, Newsom’s financial disclosure forms don’t mention the LLC or the gifts, which far exceed the $500 limit… California’s Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has not investigated. Here is a partial list of what Newsom has been up to since being elected governor: •Doubled the drug-addicted vagrant “homeless” population living on California’s streets, while spending $24 billion on them – no telling where that money went. •Created a housing shortage – doubling down on forcing cities and small towns to comply with his order to build “affordable housing”. •Wasted two of the wettest years in recent California history by sending the abundant water flowing out to the Pacific Ocean for “environmental” purposes, rather than using for agricultural irrigation and storing the rest for a dry year. •Cut off water to rural areas in the state. •Limited water deliveries to farmers and ranchers. •Redirected millions of Proposition 1 funding designated for dam/reservoir construction for additional water storage to demolishing four dams on the Klamath River, destroying hydroelectric power and beautiful lakes. “The Klamath dam removals are a shining example of what we can accomplish when we act according to our values,” said Newsom in a letter to Warren Buffet asking for his backing. •Approved spending $1 billion of taxpayers’ funds on masks from Chinese company BYD during the 2020 virus, rather than an American manufacturer. •Raised the minimum wage to $20.00 per hour, forcing fast food owners and restaurant owners to lay off employees and close restaurants. •Passed policies and regulations killing manufacturing. •Passed policies bolstering a service economy, rather than high-paying manufacturing jobs. •Limited energy production to renewable energy only – solar and wind. •Limited gas and oil production, which created a shortage, forcing people out of their cars and into public transportation. •Caused the highest gas prices and gas taxes in the nation. •Ordered all internal-combustion cars banned by 2035. •Mandated an all-electric state, including autos and trucks, and all-electric homes and commercial buildings in new construction. •Signed a bill to install thousands of floating offshore wind turbines at a cost of $150 billion. •Legalized drugs. •Legalized sex with minors (SB 145). •Legalized abortion up to a baby’s birth. •Destroyed the public education system by watering down the disciplines of math and English while sending his own children to private schools. 1. He promotes racial preferences over merit. 2. He creates fake crises – climate change and reparations. 3. He infringes on the people’s right to keep and bear arms by passing laws which nibble around the edges of the 2nd Amendment, creating de facto gun control. And this is not a complete list, by any stretch. By Katy Grimes, November 19, 2024 Long-time investigative journalist covering the California State Capitol and Editor-in-Chief of the California Globe [The article was longer and more detailed. I edited it to fit a blog post. If you want the full version, please comment.] Title: The Twelve-Year-Old Jesus in the Temple
Artist: Carl Heinrich Bloch (Danish) 1834-1890 Date: c. 1865 - 1879 Curator: Frederiksborg Castle Dimensions: 61cm ✕ 104cm (24in x 41in) Medium: oil on copper Style: chiaroscuro Gospel: Luke 2, 42-52 (today's reading) "...Stupebant autem omnes, qui eum audiebant, super prudentia et responsis ejus..." The faces of Mary and Joseph are concealed, and the face of Jesus is in profile. Yes! There were two choices for Mass today: 1) The Epiphany or 2) The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph (Sunday Within the Octave of the Epiphany) "In this time of new persecutions against Christians by Islamicists, secularists, and sexual anarchists, and of a pope who so openly emboldens and gives comfort to these and other enemies of Holy Mother Church, while shirking his duty to confirm his brethren in the faith, we publish in English translation (below) the prophetic words of the Venerable Pope Pius XII in his address Ancora una volta given on February 20, 1949, to the people of Rome, condemning the persecution of Christians in Eastern Europe by the socialist and communist dictatorships."
-Rorare Coeli Magazine Romans! Beloved sons and daughters! Once again, in a grave and dolorous hour, the faithful people of the Eternal City has rushed to its Bishop and Father. Once again, this superb colonnade seems barely able to embrace with its gigantic arms the crowds, which like waves driven by an irresistible force, have flowed to the threshold of the Vatican Basilica, in order to attend the Mass of Atonement in the central point of the whole Catholic world and to pour out the sentiments with which their souls are overflowing. Among the unanimous condemnations of the civilized world, the sentence imposed upon an eminent Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church on the banks of the Danube has raised on the banks of the Tiber a cry of indignation worthy of the City. But the fact that a regime opposed to religion has this time attacked a Prince of the Church, revered by the vast majority of his people, is not an isolated case; it is one of the links in the long chain of persecutions which some dictatorial States have waged against Christian doctrine and life. A well-known characteristic common to persecutors of all times is that, not content with physically crushing their victims, they want also to make them appear despicable and hateful to their country and to society. Who does not remember the Roman martyrs, of whom Tacitus speaks (Annals 15:44), immolated under Nero and made to appear as arsonists, abominable criminals, enemies of mankind? Modern persecutors show themselves to be the docile disciples of that inglorious school. They copy, so to speak, their masters and models, if, indeed, they do not surpass them in cruelty, clever as they are in the art of employing the most recent progress in the technical sciences for the purpose of a domination and enslavement of the people which in the past would not have been conceivable. Romans! The Church of Christ is following the road traced out for her by the divine Redeemer. She feels herself eternal; she knows that she cannot perish, that the most violent storms will not succeed in submerging her. She begs no favours; the threats and disfavor of earthly authorities do not intimidate her. She does not interfere in problems purely economic or political, nor does she occupy herself with debates on the usefulness or banefulness of one form of government or another. Always eager, in so far as she is able, to be at peace with all (cf. Rom 12:8), she renders unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s, but she cannot betray or abandon that which belongs to God. Now, it is well known what the totalitarian and anti-religious State requires and expects from her [the Church] as the price for her tolerance and her problematic recognition. That is, it would desire:
Is this the Church whom you venerate and love? Would you recognize in such a Church the features of your Mother’s face? Can you imagine a Successor of the first Peter, who would bow to similar demands? The Pope has the divine promises; even in his human weaknesses, he is invincible and unshakable; he is the messenger of truth and justice, the principle of the unity of the Church; his voice denounces errors, idolatries, superstitions; he condemns iniquities; he makes charity and virtue loved. Can he [the Pope] then remain silent when in a nation the churches which are united to the center of Christendom, to Rome, are snatched away through violence or cunning; when all the Greek-Catholic bishops are imprisoned because they refuse to apostatize from their faith; when priests and the faithful are persecuted and arrested because they refuse to leave their true Mother Church? Can the Pope remain silent, when the right to educate their own children is taken away from parents by a minority regime which wants to alienate them from Christ? Can the Pope remain silent when a State, surpassing the limits of its authority, arrogates to itself the power to abolish dioceses, to depose Bishops, to overturn the ecclesiastical organization, and to reduce it below the minimum requirements for the effectual care of souls? Can the Pope remain silent when the point is reached of punishing a priest with imprisonment, guilty of refusing to violate the most sacred and inviolable of secrets, the secret of sacramental confession? Is all this perhaps illegitimate interference in the political powers of the State? Who could honestly affirm anything of the kind? Your exclamations have already given the answer to these and many other similar questions. May the Lord God reward your fidelity, beloved sons and daughters. May He give you strength in the present and future struggles. May He make you vigilant against the attacks of His and your enemies. May He illumine with His light the minds of those whose eyes are still closed to the truth. May he grant to those hearts, which today are far from him, the grace to sincerely return to that faith and to those fraternal sentiments whose denial threatens the peace of humanity. And now may Our lavish, paternal, and affectionate Apostolic Blessing descend upon you, the City and the World. pour les francophones et vietnamien universel If you don't have a 1962 Missal, don't blame me; blame your parish, bishop, and pope for not providing you with materials to worship. Lesser Alleluia Isaias 45, 15 Vere te es Rex absconditus, Deus Israel Salvator. Truly Thou art a hidden King, the God of Israel, the Savior.
For speaking about California
For speaking about Catholicism
Why that day? If you ask, God knows you are too dumb to understand, and He will never answer you, and my pee is the same color as everyone else's. I've said enough about California fires. If you don't believe anything I've re-reported, blame inertia. upper left Teilhard de Chardin
upper right Henri de Lubac lower left Jorge Bergoglio lower right James Martin Meta, parent company of Facebook, announced the end of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices when hiring new employees and when signing contracts with service and product providers.
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), which led planetary missions and astronomy efforts, has survived the Eaton blaze.
Jim McDonnell, LAPD Chief $400K-500K
Lesbians of the LAFD Kristina Crowley, Chief (white woman) $439,722 Kristine Larson, Equity Bureau Chief (black woman) $399,000 Kristina Kepner, Assistant Chief (white woman) $264,468 Janisse Quiñones, CEO LA Water and Power (Puerto Rican woman) $750,000 Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? "I don't want to talk about it! Every time I think about something nice, you remind me of bad things. I only want to talk about the nice things." -Jane Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) has a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) program. The company has received the 2022 Human Rights Campaign Badge and was named one of the "2022 Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion". The company has scored 100 on the Disability Equality Index for multiple years in a row. Dial 1119 (This film was made long before 9-1-1 came into existence.)
John Monks, Jr., the screenwriter, also an actor, playwright, director, and Marine, died in Pacific Palisades 2004.
https://web.archive.org/web/20070215040551/http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20041229/ai_n12827137 pro-capital punishment theme A plutocrat--Pelosi, Newsom, Jerry Brown, Willie Brown, Harris, Boxer, Getty--is someone who uses wealth to buy political power. Plutocrats rule the world: just ask them. None of them will be affected by the fires.
He represents the almost 800,000 people of the Northern Sierra, Sacramento suburbs, and Eastern Sierra, all the way south to Death Valley. The area is 70% non-Hispanic white.
Bank vaults are not fireproof and might not survive major fires:
The Los Angeles mayor has quite a radical past. Look into it. People who can't fix anything are always somewhere else. She was in Ghana. Francis can't fix anything either, and he spends money that isn't his traveling the globe for no good reason. Bass and Francis are communists.
Currently Active Incidents
Incident/Counties/Started/Acres/Containment Palisades Fire Los Angeles 1/07/2025 15,832 0% Eaton Fire Los Angeles 1/07/2025 10,600 0% Hurst Fire Los Angeles 1/07/2025 8,551 0% Lidia Fire Los Angeles 1/08/2025 3,484 0% Sunset Fire Los Angeles 1/08/2025 60 0% regular updates This manufactured home in a mobile home park was for sale four years ago and burned down in the Pacific Palisades fire. two acquaintances: Lauren Blair (TVON) & Diane Baker of Hollywood Hills
January 2025