Franco’s wife, María del Carmen Polo y Martínez-Valdés, 1st Lady of Meirás, The Most Excellent, Grandee of Spain, b. 1900, d. 1988, age 87 Photographer Vicente Martin 1926-2016; title “Visita de Francisco Franco y su esposa, Carmen Polo, en un acto religioso en la iglesia de Santa María”; date 1941; black and white negative, dry plate, Nitrocellulose film,_Carmen_Polo,_en_un_acto_religioso_en_la_iglesia_de_Santa_Mar%C3%ADa_(5_de_6)_-_Fondo_Car-Kutxa_Fototeka.jpg “In her final years, Polo rarely left her house, hearing Mass at home. She isolated herself completely, ignoring (and being ignored by) the press and refusing to read anything about politics or about her husband. She explained, ‘It is necessary to have much Christian resignation, in light of the turmoils of my life.’”
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In media res
The Latin phrase, now part of everyday English, “in media res,” means “in the middle of things,” and is a literary device that describes a story that begins in the middle of the action/plot. Novels, films, and video games do this. Think middle. Flashback A flashback, sometimes called analepsis or backstory, is an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point in the story often to recount crucial events that happened before the primary sequence of events, sometimes a character’s involuntary but powerful, recurring memory. Think back. The two terms are different. Victory! US Supreme Court says that race may not be a factor in college admissions.
Below is report, now three years old. You might want to stop browsing on your phone. The problem looks simple, but the lesson readies a middle school student for algebra and is placed in the blog because John reviews must-know, pre-Algebra definitions. I have entered several of John’s videos into the blog because this is the ideal way to teach or tutor, unlike the vile teacher in the post, UK Teacher Recorded 6/24/2023. You can divide the square root of 30 into 10 parts. It will be an approximation, but it's good enough.
Bishop Stika of Knoxville, TN, was forced to resign. It goes beyond the allegations. It goes to where he lives and who resides or resided in his household. It was the laity and priests who demanded he resign.
View a one-hour journey from Christ to Constantine, quotes from esteemed figures, and scopic documentation, enough to make a lasting impression. Tuition at Jesuit Georgetown University Tuition is $60,000.
Fauci, 82, was appointed ‘distinguished’ professor, Georgetown University Medical Center, Division of Infectious Diseases, on June 27, 2023, effective July 1. “Fauci, who was pulling a salary of over $400,000 a year while working for the federal government, told Georgetown that while he ‘could do more experiments in the lab and have my lab going,’ he felt that he would be better suited to serve as an ‘inspiration to the younger generation of students.’ It is unclear if Georgetown will be matching the compensation.” No wonder tuition is so high. Hire good teachers at career start or mid-career instead of enriching the rich. Does this Jesuit school grad have fangs, or is he a mouse? The inland or western taipan, Oxyuranus microlepidotus, is the most venomous snake in the world, according to Britannica. An Australian native, the snake has the deadliest venom based on LD50 tests on mice, median lethal dose.
Meanwhile, back in California, while the state collapses into anarchy and Kaiser is sued for giving a 13-year-old a double mastectomy, the state legislature is hell-bent to do more.
AB 1432 “would require all California insurance policies to cover ‘abortion, abortion-related services,’ and ‘gender-affirming care,’ including sterilizing cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers for minors. AB 571 “would increase the number of doctors who can offer abortion and gender-affirming care in California by ensuring that providers in the state can obtain professional liability insurance without facing discrimination based on their provision of these services.” If you click on AB 571, you will see the list of supporters, which includes groups from outside California. How does one categorize lunacy? Comedy. Old Navy, founded in San Francisco on March 11, 1994, will close its flagship store in downtown this summer, joining other fleers: T-Mobile, Amazon Go, Whole Foods, and Nordstrom. Old Navy said shoplifters were hitting the store 12-14 times a day.
SF Downtown 31% office vacancy rate 70% drop in cell phone traffic SF tax base Downtown provides 75% of the city’s tax base 95% of its business tax 50% of its sales tax Two Proposals
California State Farm and Allstate no longer provide business and property insurance in California, which means that you cannot sell your house to a buyer applying for a mortgage to buy the house until a different insurer is found. What if I told you about a time machine? I think you would prefer that over a ticking time bomb. Do a quick internet search and discover that King George III ordered the seizure of any firearms coming into the American colonies. “In 1774 and 1775 the British Regulars under orders from Governor Thomas Gage actively tried to confiscate the colonists’ firearms, particularly their gunpowder. He sent the Army to break up a town meeting in Salem, Massachusetts, and 3,000 armed men showed up causing the ‘Redcoats’ to retreat. “A colonist said ‘that in the event of Great Britain attempting to force unjust laws upon us by strength of arms, our cause we leave to heaven and our rifles.’” – The Daily News Journal On December 15, 1791, three-fourths of the existing state legislatures ratified the first 10 Amendments of the Constitution—the Bill of Rights. These Amendments protect some of the most indispensable rights and liberties that define Americans. Second Amendment. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. A brace does not make a pistol into a short-barreled rifle. Kennedy BA Vanderbilt; JD Univ. of Virginia; BCL (Bachelor of Civil Law) Magdalen College, Oxford
I liked Bazooka gum, introduced to Americans in 1947. The above is not an opinion.
What is opinion?
A tautology is a formula or assertion that is true in every possible interpretation. The word tautology is of Greek origin: ταυτολογία.
You know how crazy I am about Latin. “No matter how confounding the case, Sherlock Holmes always finds the quaesitum.” Without looking up the meaning, just from context, which is what the SAT vocabulary section is all about now, can you guess what quaesitum means? A) meeting B) required C) inquiry D) clue. D is wrong.
A teacher in a classroom is recorded talking to two thirteen-year-old girls. Language is specific and blunt, but because of the age of the students, I deem it appropriate for children 13 and above to hear. My website is for 16 and above, or other with parental approval. Students in tutoring are not allowed to peruse my website. In fact, we do not use any electronic devices except a phone and only for a call or to look up a fact. The English matron here does not love the inmates. Mockingly called “the Lockdown Queen”, she is part of a new federal concoction: Department of Homeland Security Academic Council. She and others will give advice on campus safety. For her three visits to Ukraine, she earned the moniker, Double Agent, a label pasted to her forehead by Fox’s Kennedy, who quickly banished her to the classroom closet, i.e., Zoom in a Room. Origin of moniker: corruption of monarch, magnified by a ballooning ego.
If you call General Mills headquarters for culinary advice, 'Betty Crocker' will answer. She is a living fictitious character.
Sac PD Officer Receives Award for Heroic Actions
In April 2023, Officer Paul Bandy received the Sally and Huber Mee Award for his heroic actions in rescuing a swimmer from a shark attack in June 2022. Paul’s wife, Aimee, was also present and a part of the rescue. Who challenged it? Not a Jew, not a Muslim, not a Buddhist, not a Hindu. She was a white-skinned atheist. Madalyn Murray O’Hair. Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962). The Davis School District in Utah reversed its decision that the Bible should be banned from school libraries because it contains violence and sex. a minor, or an adult, I was never inflamed. Reread the Ten Commandments. New headlines that are head-spinning:
No, a head cannot do a 360, but all the other evil manifestations in The Exorcist were true. (1973 American film)
Singer: Cecilia Bernini, Mezzo-soprano (middle soprano)
Language: Latin Composer: Johann Adolph Hasse (1699-1783), tenor Painter: Raphael Figures: Christ, Moses, and Elijah Location: Mount Tabor My stepfather's surname was Hassing, which is Danish, and Denmark is north of northern Germany. He watched the Friday Night Fights every Friday, whereas my nana listened to opera on the radio. She lived about four miles from us in San Francisco, but her habits were known. A schoolteacher for 27 years at Garfield Elementary, Telegraph Hill, she retired in 1958. She had her sorrow, too. Her husband lost all their considerable money in the 1929 stock market crash, which forced her into teaching, and because of her father's advice, she had a college degree and was qualified. Living as a single woman until death, she was an honorable woman who, singlehandedly, paid off all the debts incurred during marriage. art and geometry Left
Transfiguration of Jesus, downloaded from Artist Hideout. Artist: Raphael (1483-1520). Date of painting: 1516-1520. Medium: oil on panel. Vatican Museum, in the public domain. Right Lecture Diagram 10: Proportion and Design of Part of Raphael's 'Transfiguration'. Part of the Turner Bequest to the Tate (1856). Author: Joseph Mallord William Turner. Date of diagram: c. 1810. Date/time of photo: 2 January 2013, 16:04:27. Source: Copyright: “In the corners of the icon, the archangels Michael and Gabriel hover, holding the instruments of Our Lord’s Passion. Michael, on the left, bears the spear, the wine-soaked sponge, and the crown of thorns. Gabriel, on the right, holds the cross and the nails.
“The Child Jesus knows that these instruments are a necessary part of His mission in the world. Nonetheless, His human nature shrinks from the realities of His Passion, and He flies to His Mother in such anguish that His shoe comes off.” |
January 2025