Following is a funeral oration by Pericles (495BC to 429), who grew up among artists and philosophers. He speaks over the brave dead, and his speech is a recommendation to us to defend what we believe with our lives.
EIIR cypher Elizabeth II Regina It was the poet John Donne, pronounced the same as my own, born into a recusant family and later a cleric in the Church of England, who originated the famous phrase, “If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were: any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” 24 April 2012 Sodacan no changes made I picked this passage from today’s Mass because the Latin Mass did this for me: it put a new canticle into my mouth. A canticle is another name for the Song of Songs in the Vulgate Bible. A canticle is like a psalm in form and content but appears apart from the Book of Psalms.
Conducted by, the survey was done in the United States. NO is Novus Ordo, the “reformed” Mass of 1969-70. TLM is the traditional Latin Mass.
Approve contraception NO 89% TLM 2% Approve abortion NO 51% TLM 1% Approve same-sex marriage NO 67% TLM 2% Attend Mass weekly NO 22% TLM 99% It would be nice to see another survey showing the breakdown by age group. I know from experience what it will show: the majority attending the TLM are under 40, and the majority attending the NO are over 40. lament in Elizabethan recusant hamlets, now an imputation on radicalized Rome and Washington We say nine prayers after Mass.
Nothing changes from Sunday to Sunday except the Epistle, Gospel, and sermon, no additions, deletions, or changes, no ad libs, pontifications, or outbursts, nothing. No one is in the sanctuary but for the priest and the altar boys, nor is any unvested person. The Latin Mass comes to us in its exact form from the Council of Trent. The Council was held between 1545 and 1563 in Trent (Trento, Italy). It was the 19th ecumenical council of the Catholic Church. The essentials of the Mass come from the time of Pope Saint Victor I, AD 189-199. Our Lord's First Mass was the Last Supper, AD 33. I watched a comedy skit on YouTube about two Santa Barbarians. Murderous Maths by Kjartan Poskit © Scholastic Children's Books
Doesn’t this single page of allegory make you stop and think? This is why I would rather be with young people. They loan me their books. Alexander (8) has more than 400 titles strewn all over the house, on the floor, on tables, on chairs, so many I must be careful not to slip and fall. I always return his books, for a book is more precious than all other objects. The other day during tutoring, I threw some of them over my shoulder in imitation of a stymied teacher who threw a book at a classmate. The endings of nouns change depending on whether they are the subject or object in a sentence. Historically, one reason that Latin was taught in school was that it helped students understand English grammar.
We need a change so that, once again, we can guide our military as a supporting deterrent to foreign threats in these areas: peace; cyber security; law enforcement; economy; infrastructure; research and development; space exploration; secure borders; illegal drugs; natural gas, coal, and oil development; agriculture; environment; education; and faith. I have documented them all in my blogs. One of my nephews was a crew chief for the Black Hawk helicopter in Iraq at the time of Hussein’s capture. Like all those American Indian names? I do. Noble warriors. 15-minute video - 220,000 views Polygon One of the first things children learn about in school is the concept of shapes, and that’s what a polygon is — a figure with at least three straight sides and three angles. Simple polygons include triangles, squares, pentagons, and even stars. However, shapes such as circles, hearts, and moons are not polygons, because they have curves. The word comes from the Greek term polugōnos, meaning “many-angled.” Quadratic equation A quadratic equation involves unknown variables with an exponent no higher than the second power. See the image below. Striking fear into the hearts of many, this equation is important because solving it unlocks a world of mathematical power. The basic formula is used across almost every field of engineering, science, and business. The name comes from the Latin word quadraticus, meaning “made square.” used for solving rectangles
Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi, published by Charlesbridge, written by Cindy Neuschwander and illustrated by Wayne Geehan (copyrights 1999), is an excellent math story suitable for elementary school students and adults (like me) and features a rhyming poem.
Characters: Sir Cumference, father Lady Di of Ameter, mother Radius, son and protagonist Sym, brother Geo of Metry, carpenter Lady Fingers, cousin Lady Fingers helps Radius make the pie. Minister of the West – Westminster – King Richard II, the Second Abbot of Westminster, and from which many boy names are derived, including my grandfather, Westin Wooldridge.
“Benedictine monks first built a house of worship in or around 960 on the banks of the River Thames, the river that bisects the city of London, in an area that was then known as Thorny Island. “In 1040, King Edward I, who later became known as St. Edward the Confessor, built his royal palace on a nearby tract of land. A religious monarch, Edward I decided to endow and expand the monastery. *** “In addition to royals, Westminster Abbey has a famed Poets’ Corner, which includes burial crypts and memorials for legendary writers and artists including Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Hardy, Rudyard Kipling, William Shakespeare, W. H. Auden, Jane Austen, Laurence Olivier, Lewis Carroll, T.S. Eliot, Oscar Wilde, … Charles Dickens and the Brontë sisters (Charlotte, Emily and Anne).” Incarnated: the senses must sense, and history must be seen to be believed, just as a king must be seen to be believed. A year ago, or so, a student explained the X-Box method to me. We ended up doing the guessing method, which is what I was taught. As far as I can determine, Quora mathematicians use the guessing method.
The American F-22 Raptor is not sold to other countries. The video is an aerial demonstration in Santiago, Chile. Mach Loop, Wales Thomas Aquinas College
Quote In addition to these general criteria, the guide [Princeton Review] also includes 50 lists of “Top 25” colleges based on a survey it conducted of 138,000 students nationwide. Extrapolations from that survey again placed the College high on those lists:
taking the veil, as seen by Douglas Stone remember those chrysanthemums as you read
John Muir b. 1838 Scotland d. 1914 Los Angeles From Wikipedia – “In 1880, after he returned from a trip to Alaska, Muir and Strentzel married. John Muir went into partnership with his father-in-law, John Strentzel, and for ten years directed most of his energy into managing this large fruit farm. “Although Muir was a loyal, dedicated husband and father of two daughters, ‘his heart remained wild’, writes Marquis. His wife understood his needs, and after seeing his restlessness at the ranch, would sometimes ‘shoo him back up’ to the mountains. He sometimes took his daughters with him.” As I wrote in Sweet under the More Tab, a man named John McLaren, who was a friend of John Muir, gave my dad his first and only career. McLaren was born 1846 Scotland and died 1943 San Francisco. He created Golden Gate Park. I have it firsthand: McLaren did not like any buildings or statues in the Park and tried to hide them with hedges. From the balcony of McLaren Lodge, he gave my dad his first raise. Mount Muir, 14,018 ft (4,273 m) — Eastern Sierra peak near Mount Whitney, within Sequoia National Park and the John Muir Wilderness. Photo author Poppy, dated June 2005.
Find the English in the Latin. The way the Holy Ghost found me was through the love of my parents. That love proceeded forth from them to me…and was returned. The love was more than internal, not merely residing in each one of us separately. It was something external, invisible, but present. Painting by Jean II Restout, 1692 – 1768, born Rouen.
His son, Jean-Bernard Restout, 1732-1797, also a painter, nearly lost his life in the Reign of Terror. |
January 2025