Trump names them envoys to Hollywood hoping to restore the Golden Age. Let's see what happens to the current rating system, which began in 1968 when the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) replaced the Hays Code of moral censorship with a voluntary rating system for parents.
Despite the complete absence of sex, Gibson's The Passion of the Christ was rated R. The film was the highest-grossing R-rated film in the US and received three nominations at the 2005 Academy Awards: Best Makeup, Best Cinematography, and Best Original Score. There is nothing immoral about violence, unless it is gratuitous (excessive, superfluous, and harmful). Resurrection is next.
Dial 1119 (This film was made long before 9-1-1 came into existence.)
John Monks, Jr., the screenwriter, also an actor, playwright, director, and Marine, died in Pacific Palisades 2004. pro-capital punishment theme Writer/Director: Park Heung-Sik
Release Date: November 30, 2022 Runtime: 151 minutes Genre: drama based on a true story Country: South Korea Andrew Kim Taegeon, (1821 – 1846) is the patron saint of Korean clergy. I've been told he had a sinful life when young, and that makes him realistic. Unfortunately, I can't find a copy with English subtitles.
Music: Tchaikovsky, Bayer, Rubenstein, Drigo, Pugni Math: Frequent time signature changes requiring a lot of counting Story: Bring dolls to life, as in a Twilight Zone episode in which mannequins come alive, one in particular, Marsha? The name Valerie comes from the Latin word valere, which means "to be strong", from the feminine French name Valérie. "Nonanomalous" means not irregular, unusual, or different. classic short story: The Box of Robbers Being a Catholic priest is ranked among the most difficult “professions” in the world. All at the same time, he must be •preacher • example • advisor • formator • planner • sacrament dispenser and confessor • visionary • director • mentor • friend • nanny • reconciler • marriage counselor • youth director • leader-trainer • Bible teacher • psychologist • intercessor, etc. Besides being • porter • corporate administrator • event organizer And yet, all priests face constant criticism. “The Mass doesn’t fill me.” “Just thinks about money.” “Does endless fundraising.” “Homily is too long.” One of the most difficult things in his life is knowing that the people for whom he gives his life will betray him. The priest is the loneliest person: you see him surrounded but rarely by people interested in his problems, needs, or life, not to mention the demands. If you have a Catholic priest as a friend, take care of him, protect him, pray for him, understand his vision, support him, but above all, love him and don’t forget the promise made by Jesus Himself. 15 And I will give you pastors according to my own heart, and they shall feed you with knowledge and doctrine 17 Obey your prelates, and be subject to them. For they watch as being to render an account of your souls; that they may do this with joy, and not with grief. For this is not expedient for you Let us honor the lives of all those men of God who have sacrificed so many things, including some of their own needs and that of their families to fulfill God’s call. Value the time a priest dedicates to you. written by Clive Fernandes on Facebook (slightly edited) #1 film Diary of a Country Priest trailer in French complete movie with English subtitles 30/first parish This is no ordinary man; he is profoundly clear-sighted. Apart from the medical issues, there is an immorality.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) … "On the part of the spouses, the desire for a child is natural: it expresses the vocation to fatherhood and motherhood inscribed in conjugal love. This desire can be even stronger if the couple is affected by sterility which appears incurable. "Nevertheless, marriage does not confer upon the spouses the right to have a child, but only the right to perform those natural acts which are per se ordered to procreation. (57) "A true and proper right to a child would be contrary to the child's dignity and nature. The child is not an object to which one has a right, nor can he be considered as an object of ownership: rather, a child is a gift, "the supreme gift" (58) and the most gratuitous gift of marriage, and is a living testimony of the mutual giving of his parents. "For this reason, the child has the right, as already mentioned, to be the fruit of the specific act of the conjugal love of his parents; and he also has the right to be respected as a person from the moment of his conception." … My brother, Thomas G Dunn, 1946-2017, the eldest of four, was born on this day at eight pounds, four ounces, and, apart from two years in the US Army, he lived his entire life in the city, as did my parents. Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel? Key points about not disclosing a crime:
Confessing a crime such as the one in the film would put a Catholic priest in a difficult situation. He might insist the penitent go to the police, or he might consult an FBI agent afterward, privately, and present the culprit(s) as hypothetical, I think.
TITLE IV. THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE (Canons 959 - 997),manner%20and%20for%20any%20reason. The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) Players Klaatu...Donald Trump Gort...Barron Trump 1939, see 1936 San Francisco Every one of the actors had a most interesting life. Characters LT. Charles Chan James Chan, older son Tommy Chan, younger son Cpt. Johnson Dr. Cardigan Miss Judy Hayes Mrs. Carol Wayne Chief Officer Randolph Det. Arnold (alias) Johnny McCoy Al Hogan and his lion Oscar There is another BVM movie, this one on Netflix, adding to The Chosen, which received 408 million episode views globally and has been translated into 58 languages. How sad.
The new film depicts the pain of birth, again. There was none. Aquinas says that there was no tear in her hymen. Her conception and His birth were immaculate. 31 God, his way is immaculate, the word of the Lord is tried by fire: he is the shield of all that trust in him... With the exception of The Passion of the Christ, I still do not like seeing Christ's face in film. That is the face of an actor. In the Passion, His face was in profile or shadow or veiled in blood. Noa Cohen (Hebrew: נֹועָה כֹּהֵן) is an Israeli actress/model who plays the BVM in the upcoming film Mary. She is a Mizrahi Jew, practitioner of yoga, and partners with Starting Over Sanctuary, an Israeli nonprofit organization focused on animal safety. Animals? This cleverly worded scene ignores 1) Annunciation: she knew from the beginning - "Is this really the son of God?" 2) Visitation: Elizabeth said, "Hail, full of grace..." - "Is this really the son of God?" 3) Foot of the Cross: she stood there - "He doesn't need me anymore." 4) Seven Sorrows: she suffered terribly - "a little sad sometimes" 5) Nativity: His birth was painless - "Nothing about it was easy." So, suddenly and inexplicably Mary shows up? 1) Presentation in the Temple for His circumcision 2) Finding in the Temple when He is left behind 3) Marriage at Cana 4) Feeding of 5,000 5) Sermon on the Mount 6) Entry into Jerusalem 7) Carrying of the Cross 8) Ascension 9) Pentecost I said, "Thank you," when a Seventh Day Adventist handed me the trash. A pro-testant woman decried my praying the rosary. These people fail to understand that Mary is both mother and disciple. Moreover, these things they must do to deny the sacraments, including Holy Orders and Confession, for it was men only at the Last Supper, His first Mass.
mathematical principles Fibonacci Sequence and Natural Law Line of Aplomb; Central Axis, opposition about the vertical; Spirals; Arcs and weight transfer; Aerial plane; Spatial plane I have noticed the difference between contemporary dancers and those from the past. As the creator says, "The goal is not a six-pack." My purpose is not to endorse anything: I have no expertise. Inevitably, the piano led me to classical music, and that led to classical ballet videos.
Mel Gibson is planning a follow-up to The Passion of the Christ, the most successful Christian film and independent production ever. His next movie will be on the resurrection, including the events that occur in Jerusalem on Resurrection Sunday.
A documentary about my co-writer's skiing is underway. His mother will send it to me when done, but I can't post it until after the film festival, and she does not have a timeframe, yet. He has competed in ski events at Lake Tahoe and in Idaho, Colorado, and Peru.
Dame Smith died yesterday in London at 89. Now there was a great actress. The first time i saw her was in the film, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. "I am in my prime." I had a relative named Simon MacGregor. Classic. Some people assume I am Irish Catholic. No such thing. That confuses nationality with religion. Some day there will be Catholics living on the Moon, and over time they will be given the title, Moonish Catholic.
Besides, all my ancestors but one were here in the United States after 1830. She came from France and landed in Quebec before coming to the US. I speak English, read Latin (with help), and understand some French. Two-hour film from 2004. Our Lord speaks three languages: Aramaic (Semitic, closely related to Hebrew), Greek, and Latin, which is historically accurate. Centurions there at the time speak all three languages. Of course, He could speak any language. English subtitles. Faciam musicam. I will make music.
Satis. Enough! Then comes the flagellum, a whip with lash-like swimming motion. Out of her love, His mother does what a Catholic priest does if there is a drop spilled. John covers his eyes, and the Magdalene tries. Marcellus replaced Pontius who was sent back to Rome. The reason that he and his wife are portrayed in a favorable light is that there is no definitive judgment on him, so we can pray for their souls. Simon of Cyrene was a Jew in Jerusalem for Passover when soldiers forced him to carry Jesus' cross. The cross weighed around 88 pounds, and Simon was forced to carry it three quarters of a mile. The cross in the movie weighed 130 pounds. Simon is a symbol of hope. The story of Longinus, the Roman soldier who speared Jesus, is related in the Gospel of John. John stood at the foot of the cross with Mary. This act by Longinus was the last of the Five Holy Wounds of Christ. The blood and water that sprayed on his face and opened his eyes made him the first convert. Longinus is a saint. The nine-inch nails are said to have gone in at an angle, through the wrist and the hand because that could better support a man's weight and secure him to the cross. Bend your hand back as far as you can. The nail goes into your wrist, through the bottom of your hand, and out the back of your hand into the cross. To make dialogue clear for every moviegoer, Mel Gibson sought the help of Father William Fulco, SJ, who received his doctorate from Yale University. He taught Aramaic at Yale before transferring to Loyola Marymount University. The essential names of God the Father in the New Testament are Aramaic Abba (אבא) meaning "Father"; Greek Kyrios meaning "Lord" and Theos (θεός) meaning God; and finally Latin Patēr meaning "Father" (πατήρ in Greek). We address our priests as "Father" because he is alter Christus, another Christ, and can give us the sacraments, including Christ Himself. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew name is Adonai, meaning "Lord of all humanity and, therefore, Lord of all lords". Footnotes: 1. Judas kissed Him on the cheek, the kiss of betrayal, showing customary etiquette reversed. 2. It is said that at 18 Jesus mercifully permitted Joseph to die, so that he would not be present at the beatings. Joseph was an older man, but young or old, it would be difficult for a stepfather to watch his son being beaten almost to death. Perhaps, I know better than some because, without comparing us to them, I wonder if my own stepfather, Joseph, who was older and the finest man I ever knew, could bear to watch me beaten. My mother, a damsel in a towering inferno, could witness anything. 3. We do not live by the sword; Our Lord willingly accepted the Cross; but we defend others. Jim Caviezel had two heart surgeries, one of them open-heart surgery, after being struck by lightning while filming The Passion of the Christ. 1968 film More about cameras, sound equipment, McQueen (38)... The movie was shot entirely on location. At the beginning of the choreographed scene is the Auto-Torum at 701 Chestnut, corner of Columbus. Now it is an Academy of Art building with some 30 studios. My father taught me how to drive on these streets in a stick shift in 1968. It was on the Gough Street hill at Washington that my father congratulated me. I was very nervous. Two cars were in front of me, one behind. One had to raise the foot on the clutch just enough to not lurch forward or roll back down the hill. One evening inside a Chestnut studio I was talking with a masterful painter/sculptor. He explained all about Carrara marble, how it glows and how much it costs. On another evening I picked up three still lifes from the discard bin and hung them in my kitchen. My friend Bill alerted me to a possible adaptation of Arthur C. Clarke's novel, Rendezvous With Rama. Okay. Bob does not believe there are alien civilizations, and my co-writer does. I am not a fan of Clarke for a bunch of reasons, and so this entry is for Clarke readers. Dune disappointed my brother.
My co-writer draws from his extensive collection of books, but his own ideas come fast, and this I know because, while taking exams, he rewrites questions on the exams in a way he thinks the questions should be asked. He often questions ideas. My nonconformity has helped our relationship move forward. He will be a working innovator. I had to learn how to work with him by stepping out of the way and letting him take some control. What else can one do if one is not a genius and the other is? I think his math tutor operates the same way. Short stories offer a reader less philosophy and more action and dialogue, and I hope that these elements of a short story as each one is released on Patreon will show how innovative he is. The film was shot in Hollywood and made to resemble San Francisco, but that is the old Mission station. I frequented Central on Vallejo.
At the time of filming, my uncle, Sgt. John D. Leahy, Chinatown Squad, d. Feb. 10, 1981, worked opium dens hidden behind store fronts and gangs and gambling. I walked into a restaurant with John one time, and all the waiters recognized him instantly. Yeah, yeah, cops punched up the bad guys, but today we are left with a failing system. John told me he shot at several bad guys and missed. Another time I walked into a restaurant with a Vietnamese friend, and he pointed out the Chinatown gang leader, and another friend of mine never stepped outside the neighborhood for the first 19 years of his life. The announcer mispronounced Greenwich. It's green-witch. On Feb. 19, 2022, it was announced that the Sir Francis Drake Hotel on Powell would be renamed the Beacon Grand because of Drake's involvement in the slave trade, one more example of asinine groupthink re-writing history. Somehow, some familiar names wound up in the story: Thomas Dunn, my brother, and Martha, John's wife. Her father robbed a bank and was sent to San Quentin for 15. He was an SF cop. I have a few loose screws. John had beautiful handwriting. He was a daily communicant. YT will not permit to me to copy this 2016 Polish film in French and Polish with English subtitles. The film, rated PG-13, is about seven Catholic nuns abused and impregnated by Soviet soldiers during WWII and is based on an original idea by Philippe Maynial, who took inspiration from the experiences of his aunt, Madeleine Pauliac, a French Red Cross doctor who worked in Poland after WWII. The title on YT is The Innocents.
Ethel Barrymore died on June 18, 1959, at her home in Hollywood and was entombed at Calvary Cemetery. Her star is located at 7001 Hollywood Boulevard, and a crater on the planet Venus is named for her. Craters on Venus are named after famous women, a permanent and distinctive honor.
The dialogue by screenplay writers Joan Harrison, Peter Viertel, and Dorothy Parker is well-written. The filming locations are Hollywood; Hoover Dam; Statute of Liberty; Red Rock Canyon State Park, on Highway 14, Cantil, CA (high desert); Owens Lake, a.k.a. Soda City, CA; and Springville, CA (ranch scenes). Despite stage props and matte painting, on-site California locations are beautiful.
Hitchcock was one of many devout Catholics during a period of film that was largely the product of the Jewish studio titans who looked favorably upon the faith. Frederick Manion, an army lieutenant, is arrested for the murder of a bartender, Barney Quill. The courtroom drama stars James Stewart and a bunch of other winners. The drama is based on a novel written by a state supreme court justice who based his story on a case in which he was defense attorney. I recommend the movie but saying why would spoil things.
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January 2025