“According to Fox News, recently, Puffin UK attempted to change passages in [Roald] Dahl’s works.
“According to the outlet, ‘language describing fat characters was altered and gender-neutral language was added, among other changes.’” “A backlash, however, quickly ensued. “The Guardian, also, released a report indicating that Dahl once warned his publishers that ‘if they later on so much as change a single comma in one of my books, they will never see another word from me.’” He’s dead, but now there are two versions. https://americandigest.com/leftists-attempt-to-rewrite-roald-dahls-works-face-instant-backlash/? I posted an unaltered reading of “The Hitch-Hiker” on 9/3/2022.
“Elyse Dodge has a trademark geometric style, combining traditional landscapes with a myriad of geometric forms. The contrasting forms play well off of one another, and her style appreciates the appeal of landscapes, while pushing them firmly into new and unique territory.”
Who is woke?
Banking Ally Financial, Amalgamated Bank, Bank of America, Berkshire Bank, BMO Harris, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Eastern Bank, Fifth Third Bank, First Republic Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, PNC, Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank, TD Bank Bancorp, Trillium Asset Management, Truist, US Bank, Wells Fargo Transportation Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, United Airlines, XPO Logistics https://www.patriotnewsalerts.com/51-woke-companies-identified-as-targeting-conservatives/ “In 1969, NASA’s Apollo missions installed reflective panels on the moon. These have shown that the moon is currently moving 3.8 cm away from the Earth every year.” The USA is one of the few countries still using the Imperial system of measurement, where things are measured in feet, inches, pounds, ounces, and so forth. Divide the length value by 2.54. Thus, 3.8/2.54 = 1.49606299. Round up to a tenth, which is 1.5, or 1 ½ inches. https://www.space.com/moon-drifting-away-from-earth-2-5-billion-years
Like the Moon, Venus waxes (increases) and wanes (decreases). One way to remember the meaning of these words is to think of a candle. Waxing of a wick produces a candle that, once lit, immediately begins to wane away until complete darkness. Another way to remember is to associate wane with fade. Both have a long a, whereas wax has a short a. Some boys and men like a fade cut. The hair wanes away. Here are several images of Venus and Venus Express. drawing courtesy of https://www.physics.ucla.edu/~huffman/venus.htm images courtesy of https://science.nasa.gov/phases-venus English: Animation of Venus Express's trajectory from 9 November 2005 to 31 December 2006, 1 August 2018, Data source: HORIZONS System, JPL, NASA, author Phoenix7777, no changes made
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Animation_of_Venus_Express_trajectory.gif Blue is Earth orbit, pink is Venus Express orbit, and green is Venus orbit. FSSP Providence, RI, before sunrise. The world’s first electric street lights were erected in London in 1878. Rorate from Latin, second person plural imperative of rorare, to drip moisture, from ror meaning dew.
Go full screen. Claude Lorrain (c. 1600-1682) did not do well in school and was apprenticed to a pastry baker. He remained hopeful. Between 1635 and 1638, he made four paintings, two large and two small on copper, for Pope Urban VIII. Let me add to Anna’s answer. The medicinal plant and source of nutrition is Christ in the Eucharist.
Viewpoint A is the left eye, and Viewpoint B is the right eye.
JustinWick Wikipedia, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Parallax_Example.png Beautifying 107 acres of Utah’s Fishlake National Forest is one of the world’s largest organisms: a forest of some 47,000 genetically identical quaking aspen trees, which all stem from a single root system. The organism is called Pando, from the Latin for “I spread”, and has been growing for at least 80,000 years. Pando in fall, photo courtesy of Paul C. Rogers
Here is a reading, a bit over two hours, of John. Listen for as long as you like. I recommend the reading for children. The voice belongs to English priest Father Hugh Thwaites, SJ. From his obituary: “Father Thwaites always spoke in a kindly and gentle manner while firing off spiritual advice that could blow you off your feet; he was a priest who made many converts almost instantly by his sincerity and holiness … He was passionately devoted to the Rosary, loved the Old Latin Mass, and remained faithful to the traditional Jesuit daily spiritual exercises.” Received pronunciation is the form of English based on educated speech emanating from southern England. Father Thwaites was born on the Isle of Wight off the southern coast.
I just finished reading The Truth Is Out There, a graphic novel by Amadeus, pen name, published in 2013 with Imprimi Potest, Nihil Obstat, and Imprimatur. Bill, a friend from St. Stephen, gifted me the book.
It has a Prologue, 12 chapters, and an Epilogue, 116 pages in all, and a bibliography of suggested reading at the end. I would add the novel to a child’s or teen’s book list. In Chapter 5, they have left Earth and Erc finds an empty diner serving only one item. Find out what that is. “The events were noted when, on Jan. 28, the Subaru-Asahi Star Camera caught images of a shower of green laser beams lasting just seconds. “‘The camera watches for images from the Subaru Telescope on Hawaii’s Mauna Kea. “‘The beams were not, as originally thought, from a NASA satellite,” Chang explained.’” They could have come from only one source: China’s Daqi-1/AEMS satellite.” https://www.patriotnewsalerts.com/war-is-on-the-way-warning-is-blared-after-hawaii-gets-lasered/ government officialdom on the balloon
https://www.nbc.com/meet-the-press/video/blinken-chinese-balloon-loitered-or-returned-to-sensitive-military-sites-during-us-journey/NBCN644485605 science officialdom on the green laser https://www.sciencealert.com/ominous-green-lasers-shot-over-hawaii-didnt-come-from-nasa-satellite-after-all I forgot what a logarithm is, so I checked. A logarithm is the power to which a number must be raised to get some other number. For example, the logarithm of 100 is two, because 10 to the power of two is 100. Thus, written mathematically, log 100 = 2. That's all.
“The descendants of Noah … said: ‘Come, let us make a city and a tower, the top whereof may reach to heaven; and let us make our name famous before we be scattered abroad into all lands.’” https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15005b.htm
God did not like that, so He brought into existence multiple languages. Thus, humans were divided into linguistic groups, unable to understand one another. The Tower of Babel was a punishment. Was the tower real? Yes. It stood in Babylon in what is modern Iraq. The City of Cities, as it was called by the people of the time, eventually collapsed. I was rereading the Wikipedia entry for the Catholic Church. On several occasions I have defended the company, and I wanted to test my defense. In the process I found a painting I wanted to better understand. It is in the section titled, “Sexual morality.” Here is a partial quotation from that section: The Catholic Church calls all members to practice chastity according to their state in life. Chastity includes temperance, self-mastery, personal and cultural growth, and divine grace. It requires refraining from lust, masturbation, fornication, pornography, prostitution, and rape. [My reaction to the last word was surprise because it seemed so obvious as to not have required a mention.] Chastity for those who are not married requires living in continence, abstaining from sexual activity; those who are married are called to conjugal chastity. [Footnote 425] Footnote 425 Catechism of the Catholic Church (2nd ed.). Libreria Editrice Vaticana. 2019. Paragraph 2332. Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person in the unity of his body and soul. It especially concerns affectivity, the capacity to love and to procreate, and in a more general way the aptitude for forming bonds of communion with others. Next to the Wikipedia section is a painting by Hans Memling, Allegory with a Virgin. This is the painting I wanted to better understand. The analysis of the painting is copied from Web Gallery of Art, online since 1996 and created by Emil Krén and Daniel Marx. I thought it was so good that I have reproduced it in its entirety. “This rather enigmatic painting has been studied in depth recently, enabling us to venture a more solidly based judgment regarding both its authenticity and the significance of the representation. It should be noted at the outset that the topmost part of the landscape has been entirely overpainted and can thus form no part of the interpretation. The rock with the virgin and the lions is, however, still in a fairly good, original condition. “A young woman is shown standing in a giant piece of amethyst. She is wearing a violet-brown Burgundian dress, and her hands are crossed level with her lap on a point of the crystal. This characteristically chaste pose is further emphasized by her downward gaze. Two lions, with golden shields attached to their bodies, stand threateningly on either side of a small stream that springs from the rocks and carries gemstones and coral in its current. “Because of its colour, amethyst is associated with the violet, the emblem of humility and virginity. The lions are clearly intended as guards, and so their shields are military rather than heraldic in function. The spring represents the Water of Life, and the gemstones are a reference to Paradise. The image can thus be interpreted as an allegory of the strength of Virginity or Purity, which leads to eternal life. The city in the left distance is influenced to a large extent by the Brussels St Sebastian. This may be attributed almost certainly to the restorer.” https://www.wga.hu/html_m/m/memling/2middle3/15allego.html Artist: Hans Memling (circa 1433 –1494), oil on oak wood
Museum: Musée Jacquemart-André collection Photographer: Web Gallery of Art Public domain. This photographic reproduction is therefore also considered to be in the public domain in the United States. In other jurisdictions, re-use of this content may be restricted; see Reuse of PD-Art photographs for details. ![]() Bees make hexagonal cells. A hexagon has six sides, six edges, and six vertices. The sum of the interior angles is 720 degrees (6 x 120). A hexagon has nine diagonals. The formula for the number of diagonals is n(n-3)/2, where n represents a side. If there are six sides, by using the formula, we determine that there are nine diagonals: 6(6-3)/2 = 9. image above courtesy of study.com
Fr. Pierre Jacobs, S.J., taught me geometry in 10th grade. Observed bee geometry arises only if cells are previously arranged in a way that each one is surrounded by six other similar cells. Starting in 1951, the US Army began testing nuclear ordnances just 65 miles north of Las Vegas in the Nevada desert. At night, the glow of the bombs lit up the sky, and mushroom clouds could be spotted rising over the horizon during the day. The 1950s saw an explosion of science fiction films, many of which are free on YouTube. The science fiction craze/heyday switched to television in the 1960s with such shows as The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, and Star Trek. As a boy, I gravitated toward these films and television shows, as I am sure many other boys and girls did. With every story, there was a moral, the music was good, and no blood and gore were ever shown. Story is key, not special effects. Plumbbob-Hood, Nevada Test Site
Photo courtesy of the Atomic Heritage Foundation https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/location/nevada-test-site/ Cenacle: origin Latin cenaculum, meaning dining room, from cena, meaning dinner. Scripture refers to the room where the Last Supper occurred as the “cenacle” and the “upper room.”
The Anglo Nepali War 1814 - 1816. When in 1857 there was a mutiny, all the Gurkha units remained loyal. In 1947, a tripartite agreement between Britain, Nepal, and India laid the foundations for Gurkha terms and conditions of service. The 2nd, 6th, 7th, and 10th Gurkha Rifles became part of the British Army, and the rest became part of the army of India. Gurkha character - aspiring/inspiring.
Click ‘maybe next time’ to view. Also affected are Canada, the Philippines, Africa, commercial fishing in the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, and the environment. Check out BLACKOPS. China far exceeds any other country on the list of evil powers. This threat might unite us. Meanwhile, the Vatican shamefully holds fast to its secret deal with China. There are two clefs in music: treble and bass. However, for the organ, because there are pedals, a clef must be added, the third row of five lines. I could read it after the third time through...eyeballs over the place. Khánh Ly
born 1945 Hanoi Vietnamese American singer From Wikipedia – 1967-1974: Diva of Saigon “During a trip to Saigon in 1967, she ran into composer Trịnh Công Sơn on the busy streets of Lê Thánh Tôn. After several serenades and coffee at a small shop called Quán Văn, the legacy of Khánh Ly and Trịnh Công Sơn had begun ….” She lives in Cerritos, CA, which is not far from Knott's Berry Farm and Disneyland, with her husband, a former journalist, and is a devout Catholic. |
February 2025