In this short scene, several times the ballerina must hold herself on pointe without his support, and that is what everyone is watching.
The 1991 performance is the best version I've seen and is full of images of love and chivalry. Lights are dimmed for a reason: you get my drift. At the end he almost tips backward, live, not pre-recorded, and from the male point of view, I mean, look at who the composer and choreographer are, and you might think that the man is in charge, but look again, at her hands and the placement of them! This is a great visual for the writer to develop characters. Look at her eyes: she is always aware of where she is. He is an imbecile, just happy about what he's done. You didn't know so much was packed into a few minutes of ballet grace. I'm here to help. Composer: Frenchman Daniel-François-Esprit Auber 1782-1871 Choreographer: Russian Victor Gsovsky 1902-1974 (1949)
Another priest cancelled: Father Thomas Held. Who did it? Bishop Robert Gruss, 68, Saginaw, MI. Gruss ordained him, then canned him. It can be inferred that the perpetrator behind the scenes staged the whole thing to get Held ousted. Numbers of Catholics have no experience when dealing with the possibility of malice aforethought. Also, there are two priests in the diocese who wear suit and tie for the official diocesan photo. That alone signals something is wrong. But for Held, none, including the bishop, hold beliefs in line with what the Church teaches. It's all about protecting themselves and sinecures.
Alexander, my 10-year-old writing student, pulled a fast one on me. He bought the Cambridge Latin Course Unit 1. I asked him if he wanted to study Latin, and he said, "No, it's for you to learn." Ha-ha-ha. So, I asked his mother if he wanted to begin, and she said, "It's up to Alexander." Here I am, having to prepare the first lesson and no idea what that will be.
Blogging will slow now. I will be doing other things. Thanks for listening. If anyone wants to send me an entry, please do so. I will create a space for it. One last thing. I run into Catholics who tell me how to practice my faith. No. Not allowed. I do not tell others how to practice their faith. The way I do it is peculiar to me. So much more is seen in the dark. … and why it is, one does not ask, "Why did you do this crime?"
Magdalene’s Complaint at Christ’s Death Thirty-four-year-old Robert was beheaded and quartered at Tyburn on Feb. 21, 1595, for the crime of being a Catholic priest. He came from the Douay-Rheims group (NT - 1582, OT - 1609-1610).
Southwell and Shakespeare “Apart from their mutual acquaintance with the Earl of Southampton, and the strong circumstantial evidence that they must have known each other within the confines of London’s close-knit Catholic recusant community, the strongest evidence for Southwell’s and Shakespeare’s friendship is to be found in their respective works. … “Shortly before his capture in July 1592, Southwell had been working on a manuscript of his poems and had penned a Preface addressed to the author’s ‘Loving Cousin’. Since Southwell and Shakespeare were distant cousins, it has been conjectured that the Preface was addressed to Shakespeare, though others have suggested that the ‘Cousin’ in question was perhaps Southampton, since Southwell’s brother and sister had each married Southampton’s first cousins. “Either way, the Preface itself is an appeal to poets in general, or perhaps to Shakespeare in particular, to use their God-given talents in the service of the Giver of them: ‘Poets, by abusing their talents, and making the follies and feignings of love the customary subject of their base endeavours, have so discredited this faculty, that a poet, a lover, and a liar, are by many reckoned but three words of one signification….’”,each%20married%20Southampton's%20first%20cousins. Shakespeare wrote a poem to honor Anne Line and her husband, but you will find no mention of her name in it. The Phoenix and the Turtle Catholics were subject to a COE tax and fines and had two choices: pay the tax and lay low or be jailed and executed. Shakespeare chose the former; the Line's and Southwell chose the latter. Two other women were executed for hiding priests: Clitherow and Ward. Title: Allegory of the Catholic Faith
Artist: Johannes Vermeer (Dutch, b. 1632, d. 1675 Delft) Date: c. 1670–72 Medium: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 45 x 35 in. (114.3 x 88.9 cm) Classification: Paintings Credit Line: The Friedsam Collection, Bequest of Michael Friedsam, 1931 Accession Number: 32.100.18 Vermeer had 10 children. From the curator This picture, made at a moment when public celebrations of the Mass were forbidden in the Dutch Republic, draws on the complex language of allegory to depict the triumph of the Catholic Church. A woman, representing the church itself, places one foot atop a globe, while in the foreground the cornerstone of the church crushes the serpent of evil. Vermeer converted to Catholicism before his marriage, and this painting, which includes a table laden with chalice, missal, and crucifix, may also refer to the celebration of the Mass in "hidden churches" within private homes. The Crucifixion scene in the background is based on a painting in Vermeer’s collection by the Flemish artist Jacob Jordaens. French arthouse film from 1978 with English subtitles, it is an excellent example of realism and of kindness, physicality, and intimacy, everything that is lacking today in this post-virus world. What you will see is a defense of Christendom.
The film, a beautifully muddy 1 1/2 hours and shot in France, is on YouTube. "Every failure is a victory." It is another significant movie like Diary of a Country Priest (1951), Dialogue with the Carmelites (1960), and The Trial of Joan of Arc (1962). I am posting this short story for a second time for a reason. It first appeared on 6/08/2023. Ever made to feel like an outsider? The boy/young man climbs a black tower and finds an image that is shunned and cast out. I made a decision affirmed today by another. As I said when the story was first posted, one of my students feels shunned on account of his genius. His math tutor and I survived a slew of tutors and therapists because we are nonconformists. My shunning is for a different reason, for no reason at all. Cruelty whispers, "I'm a better Catholic than you." The echo rebounds, "I am a better man." Others have left. I am not alone, now gone elsewhere. I am not sad, rather content. Those of us who know, know we go for the Latin Mass. Some go for the merriment in... The Tower. A patch of purple, pink, and yellow flowers stretch across a normally barren desert. Death Valley National Park, photo by Alice Li, filed April 13, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT, The Washington Post. I don't savor fish, but there is such a variety. I don't handle insects, but there is such a variety. I don't approach snakes, but there is such a variety. But I admire birds from little to big, and there is such a variety. Snow, trees, lakes, and the sound of ocean waves. How much more could He do? Knock on your front door? Maybe He has, and you weren't home, and because you weren't there, He couldn't point you to the beauty of His Death Valley. I am not a trailblazer. Over 40 established trails have led the way.
"The Sierra Club's Equity Language Guide discourages using the words stand, Americans, blind, and crazy. “The first two fail at inclusion, because not everyone can stand and not everyone living in this country is a citizen. The third and fourth, even as figures of speech (‘Legislators are blind to climate change’), are insulting to the disabled. “The guide also rejects the disabled in favor of people living with disabilities, for the same reason that enslaved person has generally replaced slave: to affirm, by the tenets of what’s called ‘people-first language,’ that ‘everyone is first and foremost a person, not their disability or other identity.’ “The guide’s purpose is not just to make sure that the Sierra Club avoids obviously derogatory terms, such as welfare queen. It seeks to cleanse language of any trace of privilege, hierarchy, bias, or exclusion. "In its zeal, the Sierra Club has clear-cut a whole national park of words. Urban, vibrant, hardworking, and brown bag all crash to earth for subtle racism. “Y’all supplants the patriarchal you guys, and elevate voices replaces empower, which used to be uplifting but is now condescending. “The poor is classist; battle and minefield disrespect veterans; depressing appropriates a disability; migrant—no explanation, it just has to go.” To euphemize English is to anesthetize English, then leave it for dead. My mother imitated a peacock's call. My father's worker raised 'em. I know about peacocks. Fine actress Irene Worth played Nicholas II's mother.
Flannery's Purgatory is not there; only 161 viewers know it's here. Flannery's mother Regina was still living when the film was made. Filming location: Andalusia Farm, their home The parallel between the ballet boy and the altar boy is conspicuous. I swam and also played tennis in front of people. The more that a boy is in front of an audience or congregation, and feels good about himself, the more confidence he has. Our altar boy trainer says what a ballet master teacher explains. All Californians, pay attention!
“Originating as three forks in the high Sierra Nevada, the river flows generally southwest through the agricultural San Joaquin Valley to join the San Joaquin River south of Manteca, draining parts of five California counties. The Stanislaus is known for its swift rapids and scenic canyons in the upper reaches, and is heavily used for irrigation, hydroelectricity, and domestic water supply.” -Wikipedia Stanislaus County and Stanislaus River (Rio de Estanislao) are named after a man educated at Mission San José, Estanislao, leader of the Lakisamni tribe of the Yokuts people of northern California, after Saint Stanislaus the Martyr. My family rafted the rapids several times. Saint Stanislaus “Saint Stanislaus was a humble man. He desired to live in poverty and to this end gave away all his wealth when he became a priest. Contrary to his desires, however, he was elected bishop of Krakow. He took up the see only after the pope explicitly ordered him to do so. “His holy office brought him into the sphere of the Polish king—Boleslaus, a corrupt and cruel man. King and bishop frequently fell into conflict as Stanislaus sought to convert the king or intercede on behalf of his subjects. “One day, Stanislaus purchased land for the church from a man named Piotr. When this man died soon afterward, his family tried to reclaim the land, and Boleslaus sided with them. “When Stanislaus learned of this, he strode into the court and asked for three days to produce the witness of the purchase—none other than Piotr himself. The king, laughing at such an obviously impossible request, granted the three days to the bishop. “The bishop spent that time fasting and praying. On the third day, he dressed in full episcopal regalia, went to the cemetery, and begged God to raise Piotr from his grave. Immediately, Piotr rose out of the earth. “Bishop and resurrected man went to the court, where Piotr gave his evidence and rebuked his greedy family. The king quickly declared that Stanislaus did indeed own the land. Bishop and resurrected man returned to the cemetery, where Stanislaus asked Piotr if he would like to continue living. Piotr, however, declined, preferring to return to his eternal rest. “Despite this demonstration of the bishop’s holiness and communion with God—or perhaps because of it—Boleslaus continued to clash with him. Finally, in 1079, the king murdered Stanislaus with his own hands as the saint stood at the altar. Like the Poland of St. Stanislaus’s day, the current political scene is perilous for the devout Catholic. Evangelization and Ideology provides inspiration as it breaks down the four prominent secular ideologies of our day and shows how our broken society is a chance to evangelize and uphold Truth with Stanislaus-like courage and hope. The Catholic Company My Church shall not be silenced. I cracked an egg this morning and out came two yokes.
According to the American Egg Board, "Double-yoked eggs are often produced by young hens whose egg production cycles are not yet completely synchronized. They're often produced, too, by hens that are old enough to produce extra large-sized eggs." My dad loved our little blue parakeet, and I loved watching him eat breakfast in the breakfast room and the parakeet running around and looking at his reflection in the toaster. Well, we thought the bird was a male. In the 12th year, a tiny egg was found. What explains the presence of an eagle sculpture or painted iconography in a Catholic church? 31 But they that hope in the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall take wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
Visuals are important for children from those beginning to read to more advanced readers like Alexander, whose fascination with graphic novels and cartoons is real. The photo is of a group of three traditional Kazakh eagle hunters galloping through the water with their golden eagles in Ulgii Mongolia, by Kertu/Shutterstock. elements of fiction writing - plot, character, point of view, and place My good friend Bill sent me this lecture given by a Baptist preacher and teacher on purity, the most mysterious virtue, as found in Flannery O'Connor's "Temple of the Holy Ghost." Temple of the Holy Ghost This is the second commentary on literature I have allowed, and that is because it is most excellent. Generally, I want readers to reach their own conclusions. However, serious Catholics would do well to listen and learn. Ralph C. Wood at Thomas International Center Her happiest year was 12, pre-puberty, and mine was 14, post-puberty. Happiness doesn't mean blissful: it means having been found, an actuality caused not by me and manifested by the fact that not once have others seen me at Mass for having been told to go.
Also listen to her speakOr a southerner speak Manners are as important as the faith itself. I have never heard a priest give a homily on manners. That is woeful. Did Judas kiss Christ? If you still think that was the first, your imagination is driving dangerously close to a cliff. Summarized.
Big American companies are failing. Customer service is broken. This is not the America I knew. Small is better now, but small does not offer insurance, for example. I sense why young tradition-minded Catholics want to form small rural communities. They are way ahead of me and another reason I listen to them over my peers. I recommend my peers find new friends and stop listening to the half-dead. Average age American priest 63; American bishop 67; American nun 80; FSSP 38 SSPX had the largest intake of seminarians ever - 28 at the American seminary, 21 at the French seminary, 21 at the German seminary, and nine at the Argentinian seminary. The pendulum is moving in their direction. Anyone who has a problem with the SSPX is already standing over his grave. bergoglio 87 (numerals matter) Adobe stock photo
Blessed Anna Taigi confirmed to General Michaud, Catholic aide-de-camp of the Tsar, that Tsar Alexander I became a Catholic on his deathbed. “...The Emperor died a Catholic, and is in Purgatory. He is saved for his charity to his neighbor, and for protecting the Pope and the Church.” This is disputed by, but if a Catholic blessed says it happened, it happened. A second source repeats the claim The name of Claude Ignace François Michaud (Oct. 28, 1751- Oct. 19, 1835) is inscribed on the Arc de Triomphe.
1 - 7 courtesy of Dance60, jejim, Galina Savina, Narongsak Nagadh, LeniKoval, YURY TARANIK, SergeyP 8 St. Basil Moscow
Proponents of the 4B feminist movement renounce dating men, having sex with men, marrying men, and having babies. Watch a 10-minute adaptation of E.M. Forster's 1909 tale, “The Machine Stops.” Smell the Glade freshener and feel the Bounce static. She is a white left-winger, saying to the helpful black sister, "Don't touch me," and hanging the Hispanic brother on a peg. The unelected spy of gated neighbors calls the police if an unknown brother/sister is seen. The leftist can't see a soul. When there are no babies, there are no workers. When there are no workers, machines fill the void. What then? “EM Forster imagined the trajectory that an ever-more-industrialized, machine-dominated world could take, and ‘The Machine Stops’ … was the dire end result.” – Gabrielle Bellot 2020
Kuno is the future. I am not. |
September 2024