A subscriber asked about this.
St. Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621), On the Roman Pontiff, De Romano Pontifice, lib. II, cap. 30. “Therefore, the true opinion is the fifth, according to which the Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church; and for this reason he can be judged and punished by the Church. “This is the opinion of all the ancient Fathers, who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction, and outstandingly that of St. Cyprian (lib. 4, epist. 2) who speaks as follows of Novatian, who was Pope in the schism which occurred during the pontificate of St. Cornelius: ‘He would not be able to retain the episcopate, and, if he was made bishop before, he separated himself from the body of those who were, like him, bishops, and from the unity of the Church.’” We are all talking about this.
SSPX seminarians sing Compline. The official public prayer life of the Church is the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours. So, is it the SSPX men you want to suppress, or the FSSP or ICKSP? Francis and his allies do. Will you stand with us, or bail by keeping quiet? Are you man enough to fight, or submissive sheep? And what’s the issue with Latin? It’s not easy, but it’s not hard. The last song is Salve Regina. A priest must dedicate himself to his new mother, Mary, Church, and that is the only woman in his life. My mother knew, and because that was a problem for her, she did not want priesthood for me. I acquiesced. One day I will find out if that was His general plan all along.
Cancelled! No church-given assignment, residence, or income. Burke has family in the US. That is how Francis punishes people for publicly affirming Catholic truths. Francis is a modernist Pontius Pilate, whose only famous line was, “Quid est veritas?” (What is truth?)
Why is americium used in a smoke detector instead of a more available and cheaper radioactive isotope?
Answered by Silk Road, Quora Americium is a radioactive metal that spits out alpha particles, which are like tiny bullets made of helium nuclei. Alpha particles can ionize the air, which means they knock off electrons from the air molecules and make them charged. Smoke detectors have a chamber with two metal plates that have opposite charges. The ionized air allows a small electric current to flow between the plates. When smoke gets in the way, it blocks the alpha particles and reduces the ionization. The current drops and the alarm rings. Americium is preferred because it has a long half-life of about 432 years, which means it stays radioactive for a long time and doesn't need to be replaced often. It emits alpha particles with a low energy of about 5.5 MeV, which means they can be easily stopped by a thin layer of foil or ceramic. This makes americium safe to handle and prevents any radiation from escaping the detector. Americium is relatively cheap and easy to make from plutonium-241, which is a waste product of nuclear reactors. (Americium is a synthetic chemical element; it has symbol Am and atomic number 95, and was named for the USA, where it was first made in 1944.) “A secretive surveillance initiative, managed by the White House, grants law enforcement agencies unprecedented access to trillions of American phone records, raising significant privacy and legal concerns.
“A Wired investigation has revealed a secret White House surveillance program that permits federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to access an extensive array of U.S. phone records. Known as Data Analytical Services (DAS), this program functions in partnership with telecom giant AT&T, offering a comprehensive analysis of American call records to law enforcement agencies at all levels of government. “This deal not only involves direct phone contacts of criminal suspects but extends to their social networks as well, snooping on individuals who have not been suspected of any criminal activity at all.” https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2023/11/27/white-house-surveillance-program-lets-law-enforcement-snoop-on-trillions-of-american-phone-records/ We have a Police State – 1984, Orwell. That is I in Physics class, finger in mouth, Father Spohn demonstrating wavelengths, I think, in 1969.
Joaquin Phoenix/Ridley Scott Gone with the Wind (1939) - Battle of Atlanta (injuries) Zulu (1964) - Battle of Rorke's Drift (firing by ranks) Christ is the perfect example. His human will accepted the Crucifixion. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Paragraph 475, states: “Similarly, at the Sixth ecumenical council, Constantinople III in 681, the Church confessed that Christ possesses two wills and two natural operations, divine and human.” Church councils convened throughout history to reject the screwball ideas that people came up with regarding the faith, and councils will occur again.
“…Most studies have shown that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better health outcomes, including greater longevity, coping skills, and health-related quality of life (even during terminal illness) and less anxiety, depression, and suicide….” Mayo Clinic
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11761504/ “The color azure ultimately takes its name from the intense blue mineral lapis lazuli. Azure also describes the color of the mineral azurite, both in its natural form and as a pigment in various paint formulations. “To preserve its deep color, azurite was ground coarsely. Fine-ground azurite produces a lighter, washed-out color. Traditionally, the pigment was considered unstable in oil paints and was sometimes isolated from other colors and not mixed.” Source: Wikipedia azurite photo courtesy of gft.com
Schubert 1797-1828 This is my first time posting his music. This is good for young musicians and their first duet. “His ‘Ave Maria’ dates from 1825 [he was 28], apropos of which he writes that at the time he was filled with overpowering devotion to the Blessed Virgin.” https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13591b.htm Franz Schubert never married. He met Therese Grob in 1814. He was 17, but the Marriage-Consent Law passed in 1815 required that he show he had the financial strength to support a family. In this life we experience time passing, but not so in the next. Maybe you can say a little prayer to help him along in case.
Follow-up for 11/26/2023 post. I provided no translation for the finale of Vivaldi's Juditha. The battle of Lepanto, fought off the west coast of Greece on October 7, 1571, in the Ionian Sea just below the Adriatic, was a victory for the Holy League over the Ottoman Empire, which saw most of its fleet sunk or captured.
The Holy League was an alliance of Catholic maritime states. Don John of Austria, half-brother of Philip II of Spain, was named by Pope Pius V as overall commander of the fleet and led the center division, assisted by Papal captain Marcantonio Colonna (on the right) and the Venetian Sebastiano Venier (on the left). Colonna was a duke and Roman aristocrat who served as Viceroy of Sicily for the Spanish Crown and had the rank of Captain General of the Church. This battle saved Christendom and ranks up there with VE Day, May 8, 1945. With a heart for justice, Judith raised a sword against the enemies of God’s people (Old Testament), and the city of Adria, a Venice possession, gave its name to the Adriatic Sea. Queen Judith was a type for The Queen, Mary, the mother of God. Some time ago, James Martin, SJ, posted a YouTube video saying the Catholic Church is against war. He is, and he is ignorans. My recommendation is to buy coffee elsewhere. They are not regularized Carmelites. What prompted me to break my silence and speak about them is the failure of the bishop, and he has had plenty of time, to close the operation.
Saint 1696-1787
Re Papa Stronsay entry “Devil does not bring sinners to Hell with their eyes open: he first blinds them with the malice of their own sins. He thus leads them to eternal perdition. Before we fall into sin, the enemy labors to blind us, that we may not see the evil we do, and the ruin we bring upon ourselves by offending God. After we commit sin, he seeks to make us dumb, that, through shame, we may conceal our guilt in confession.” So, that quote the monks might have spoken to the complainer, and he whimpered. photo courtesy of BBC Radio 4 This is another report about people who want to destroy us. Pope Benedict XVI gave canonical recognition to the Transalpine Redemptorist monks on the Orkney islands where dipping your toe in the sea is not very pleasant. I became aware of the monks several years ago and admired their fortitude. A video of theirs is in the blog somewhere else. They founded two monasteries, one in the USA and one in New Zealand. The story is about the New Zealand monastery. Credit goes to the YouTube channel, True Christianity Catholic & Apostolic, for the video.
He also gets credit for my second list of prelates cancelled by Francis. The SSPX is mentioned. They are doing just fine. Notice how these stories are multiplying? Those who oppose us are worried about numbers.
Antonio Vivaldi began studying for the priesthood at 15 and was ordained at 25, minimum age. (eight younger siblings)
He placed Jeffrey Burrill back into a Catholic parish in June 2022, and in July of the same year, William Callahan, 73, cancelled Father James Altman, 43, a solid priest, on the grounds that Father Altman was divisive and ineffective. That alone made Callahan a scoundrel, but he is the listening church, the church of accompaniment.
Success was legion when nuns dressed for it. (photograph might bear imperfections) Date taken-1919; photographer-Marka/Touring Club Italiano; subject-a maharaja visits the school of Ajmer, India, not far from Jaipur. Was she the principal? Why did nuns leave teaching? Vatican II. ’62-65. Imagine a maharaja meeting a modernist nun today. Would he respect her? Nah. Not his fault. See Officio Sanctissimo entry.
One way to write crime fiction is to start with the conclusion and work backward, screwing up the plot as you go in reverse, and that, and the fact that no one went to San Francisco, are clues in this crime comedy, and that’s not a contradiction. The Holiest Duty, encyclical issued by Pope Leo XIII (1887; reigned 1878 - 1903)
… 10. To this, … it is Our desire and right that We should add what appertains to youth in general: for We are exceedingly anxious as to its education, that it should be rightly and very fully carried out, both as regards mental culture and training the disposition. … But truly, to forbid the Catholic Church to use her influence in the abodes of science and literature, is most injurious, since the duty of teaching religion, that subject indeed, which no man careful of his eternal salvation can neglect, has been given by God to His Church, but to no other society of men has it been given, nor can any other association take it for itself, she therefore claims it as her undoubted right, and complains when it is neglected. … source: Vatican Drake, Fermi, Hanson - 37,000 views - not bad.
“One joule is defined as the work done when a force of one Newton is moved through one meter. It can also be defined in terms of electrical energy as one amp moved through one volt of potential difference, or one Watt. “So, in terms of energy, 4.18 joules is the actual measured amount of energy it takes to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.” - Eric Henderson, Quora The video owner makes a good point about computer-aided learning. However, when it comes to tutoring, and although I use the internet to prepare for a lesson, it’s only test prep books, a grammar book, a math book, and paper and pencil that we use during the tutoring hour. Exception: We’ve done a few simple science experiments on the dining room table, covered by a plastic sheet. Everything else, everything that comes not from a book, becomes a galactic distraction! However, what is the state of my soul? The Gospel for the Twenty-fourth and Last Sunday after Pentecost (11/26/2023) was about the end times. The sermon was about the end of the end times and that I must be vigilant and remain in a state of sanctifying grace. When I was 19, a friend who worked with me all summer was with me at Camp Mather in Yosemite cleaning up the camp. He had planned a little excursion one night, a night with no Moon. We walked up a slope and lay down on a bit of a slant with no trees, and he told me to turn off my flashlight, and above us was a true night sky, the same seen by the ancients. Malheureusement, I never saw it again. School needs to have practical meaning for students, and sadly for many, especially city boys, it does not, and it did not for me until that night’s diversion. Light pollution in our cities is, like a fog, the artificial light that washes out and obscures what we could see in the night sky. People who know me know that I like the night. It is when I do most of my work. Coadjutor Archbishop of Hartford, CT, Coyne, 65, advocates for female deacons and moving the Vatican out of Rome to get rid of entrenched traditions. No, this is about coining money. He wants more.
Defenestration is the act of throwing out the window.
There are two lists. The first list, Pope Purged Prelates, was compiled on 11/14/2023. The second list is comprised of prelates I overlooked when creating the first list. In addition to Strickland, twenty-four men have been “thrown out the window”, dismissed for being too Catholic, too faithful. 1st: Vigano, Oliveri, Morandi, Visioli, Stella, Patrón Wong, Piacenza, Pozzo, D’Ercole, Sarah, Gänswein, Xuereb, Aguer, Livieris Plano, Torres, Aupetit, Burke, Müller, and Rey (mistakenly left out) 2nd: Holley, Taussig, Cavina, Camisasca, Léonard They are cardinals, bishops, and monsignors, twenty-five so far. Cardinal Wuerl got American Holley cancelled. |
January 2025