I spend time doing research for the blogs and perusing different sides of an issue. Experts are sought, individuals or groups who do their own research, be they journalists, crime reporters, writers, grammarians, theologians, artists, musicians, historians, and so on, and I quote them. Yes, I am giving an opinion with every post because I approve of it, but you have my guarantee that others have been heard.
I edit and re-edit many times. This method is standard for those who believe in conservative principles and tradition and not standard for people desirous of tearing down truth, and they tear down by censoring people or launching personal attacks. I stopped watching television and participating on social media because interaction with such people is the very picture of facing a granite slab. My student learned a new word today, censorious. Later I found this true story... Following are the writing accomplishments of my one remaining student, Alexander. None are completed, but the nine-year-old is so full of ideas and zeal, if I could just get him to concentrate on one. After the list is a radio drama. Word of the day has previously discussed Samuel Maverick, the famously independent Texas rancher.
His grandson, Congressman Maury Maverick [1895-1954], chaired the Smaller War Plants Committee. Commenting on his fellow committee members in May 1944, he pictured them as turkeys, “always gobbledy gobbling and strutting with ludicrous pomposity.” The phrase struck a chord and has become a familiar description of language so complicated and heavy with jargon that it cannot be understood by outsiders. Organizations such as the Campaign for Plain English have voiced the general public’s displeasure with gobbledegook. Anglicans and Roman Catholics used the genre as a means for telling stories that camouflaged Christian themes. M.R. James (1862-1936) was a politically conservative Anglican influenced by Shakespeare and contemporaries Agatha Christie and A.C. Benson.
Sadly, American education is so secularized that many of these short story writers are forgotten, and horror/fantasy jumble, written by the likes of Rowling and Stephen king, is assigned. “Christie was a lifelong, ‘quietly devout’ member of the Church of England, attended church regularly, and kept her mother’s copy of The Imitation of Christ by her bedside. After her divorce, she stopped taking the sacrament of communion.” Wikipedia. From the story...QUIS EST ISTE QUI VENIT? Who is this who is coming? That is is present continuous tense. To quote a young YouTuber, “We are the laity. We will not be silent.” This poignant 1949 story is based on a Christmas fantasy by D. H. Lawrence. Who or what runs off course? I received a call from my high school swimming partner who still swims at Aquatic Park in San Francisco, always with a partner, and he will be out there today. He said that the last few winters have been mild, but this winter is cold. Today's water temperature is 50°F, and the air temperature is 53°F (2pm). The time limit for being in the water while swimming from Alcatraz to Aquatic Park is 1 ½ hours. Mickey retired from the SFFD and knew my brother, Tom, who was a firefighter for 10 years, light drinkers we three, but two of us drank gallons of chlorine. See Mother and Son, 12/24/2022 post, for the words of the petition and the blessing. Cidrian is assigned to Mater Dei in Harrisburg, PA. Would we not expect heartache at the thought of separation from their son permanently, and joy at the same time over his elevation? Yes.
It was Christmas Eve, 1818, when the now-famous carol was first performed as Stille Nacht Heilige Nacht. Joseph Mohr, the young priest who wrote the lyrics, played the guitar and sang along with Franz Xaver Gruber, the choir director who had written the melody. In 1994, an original manuscript was found in Mohr’s handwriting with Gruber named as composer. Stille Nacht
manuscript with Joseph Mohr's autograph, dated January 2, 1820, in beautiful script ttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Autograph_Mohr_Stille_Nacht.pn This is the easiest Latin prayer to learn, p 1814 of the Roman Missal. Transparent. The real meaning of "to comfort" is "to strengthen." Posted to strengthen me and you. From lateris we get "lateral (side)", and from lava we get "lavatory."
The Petition
“Receive, O Mother, this blessing from your son, who may be for you a rod (of strength) in your old age. May God bless you with the blessings of heaven and earth, may He fulfill all of your petitions, may He grant everything according to your heart, confirm every one of your decisions. May He lavish unto you, from His hidden treasury, the fullness of every grace and the length of your days; when, however, your strength shall fail you, may the Lord not abandon you, but may He bestow unto you the final grace (of perseverance), and may He make it that I might see you in the joy of eternal splendor, He who livest and reignest forever and ever. Amen.” The Blessing “Through the imposition of my priestly hands, and through the intercession of the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, [of saints], and of all the Saints, may the blessing of Almighty God — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost — descend upon you and remain with you always. Amen.” five months ago This is the man who narrated my book trailer. His rich voice depicts and vocalizes for Patreon subscribers some true crime stories and the stained truth from Casanova's very autobiography. Wordsmith strikes again. Prepare for the F word. Out of my parents' home I went at age 25 upon dad's insistence. Otherwise, I'd still be buying toys. Deutsche Bank wants to wipe out whole industries (cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens, and turkeys), more evidence the elite want to starve us. I hope the bank crashes.
Her last name should be Blind-Search. Anglicans, join traditional Catholics and escape the nonsense. Two hours away in Warrington are the FSSP and your closest relatives. The talented presenters are faithful to the original lyrics by Green Day, and I and many people identify with the sentiments expressed.
Aa-1025: The Memoirs of a Communist’s infiltration in to the Church. Paperback – May 1, 1972 https://www.amazon.com/Aa-1025-Memoirs-Communists-infiltration-Church/dp/0895554496 I have not read the memoir of a man who entered the priesthood to destroy the Church from within, but some might be interested.
A very good friend born in China says that the Chinese Communist Party has brainwashed the people of China. They believe that COVID originated in the United States and the US released it in China to kill them all.
A prayer said or a song sung in Latin is heard by God, whether the individual is thinking in the vernacular or is not understanding every word in L:atin. The same applies to the Latin Mass. The Latin in the 1962 Missal is like fascinating quicksand. It is impossible to die in quicksand because it is denser than the human body. People and animals can get stuck in it, but they don’t get sucked down to the bottom—they float on the surface. Our legs are dense, so they can sink, but the lungs keep us buoyant. As one's Latin improves, the quicksand gets less murky. YouTube's live caption cannot do Latin.
Since the beginning and by inclination, I have been a realist. Red dress death … I recommend this docu-drama, which also delves into the Bella Dodd saga. A.C. Benson, R.H. Benson, E.F. Benson
blood brothers and writers of ghost stories Robert in the middle was a Catholic priest. A chamois is a goat-antelope. The Trump Organization is a group of about 500 business entities, founded in 1927 as E. Trump & Son by his grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump, and his father, Fred.
Donald became its leader in 1971, renamed the company in 1973, and handed off leadership to his children in 2016. As of 2015, the Trump Organization employed 22,450 people. Besides the United States, where are the Trump Towers and resorts either built or planned? Answer: Vancouver, Bali, Lido City (Indonesia), Istanbul, Seoul, Dubai, Cap Cana (Dominican Republic), Metro Manila, and four cities in India, Pune, Mumbai, Gurgaon, and Kolkata. He is creating jobs for thousands of people worldwide. I wish I were a racist and a liar like Trump. |
February 2025