What is the strength of the mother-son relationship? There are countless reports of men dying on the battlefield whose last words were, “Tell my mother I love her.” The first woman he falls in love with is his mother. A son would take a bullet for her and is the gritty DNA of a man. The same applies to a police partner.
The Trestle Pool, 2007, oil on board, 14 by 20 inches, by Thomas Aquinas Daly, b. 1937, in the hands of the Burchfield Penney Art Center at Buffalo State College. At one time he worked with Peter Max. This representation of moving water is just about the best I’ve ever seen. Once I asked an Academy of Art student if it is difficult to paint a glass object, and he answered, “No, there’s a trick to doing it.” O! I found the small canvas in the discard bin at AAU, grabbed it, and framed it. There are two more.
There is no laughter in fiery Hell, Henceforth, my illusions I must dispel, And I my emotions will try to quell. The shackles of an old love straitened him, His honour rooted in dishonour stood, And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true. Lancelot and Elaine Alfred Lord Tennyson photograph taken today by my sister from her home
Near the summit of Mauna Kea on Hawaii's Big Island stands the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), as seen on the left. Altitude 13,793 feet. The tallest mountain in the contiguous 48 states is Mt. Whitney in California at 14,505 feet. There is snow on Whitney year-round, but not on Mauna Kea. Pele, or Pelehonuamea, is the Hawaiian goddess of fire and volcanoes, rumbling, shaking, and spewing, both destroying and creating land. Officer Joan Bauer, mother of six and undercover police officer in Hartville, Ohio, received a commendation for getting a confession out of a murderer. The murderer’s wife went missing in Jan 2018, and the murderer was sentenced to life in prison Aug 2018.
https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/undercover-cop-ohio-man-reveal-wife-murder-doc Four is the only one that has the same number of letters as the number itself and the only one in the English language. Example: five has four letters.
When the priest said today that chances of conversion are not endless, his words got me thinking about math. When you roll just one die, there are six different ways the die can land [six chances]. When two dice are rolled, there are now 36 different and unique ways the dice can come up [36 chances]. This figure is arrived at by multiplying the number of ways the first die can come up (six) by the number of ways the second die can come up (six). 6 x 6 = 36. [courtesy of Ed Collins, edcollins.com] What if, instead, there is concomitance, the fact of occurring together? With one roll, we could get two three’s. Consider what the Missal says … Body and blood are separated at death. The crucifixion empties the body of its blood.
The priest separately consecrates the bread and wine, the two species that will become the body and blood. The concomitance, or fact of occurring together, is accomplished by putting a particle of the consecrated bread into the chalice of consecrated wine. Of course, God is three in one, and, in that sense, we get two three’s because of concomitance, and that is math theology! When near this blog, be careful how you tread, For there’s a lot of quicksand in my head. Richard Gwyn (ca. 1537 – Oct 15, 1584), father of six, schoolteacher, and author of both Catholic and satirical poetry, was martyred at Wrexham, Wales, for high treason by being hanged, drawn and quartered.
Not by eating flesh speadily And filling the paunch on Fridays And turning one’s opinion with the wind Were folk made Saints of old. Father Robert Spitzer, SJ, past president of Gonzaga University, spoke eloquently about climate change, that electricity is the solution, and that fusion power is the solution to that, leading to cost-effective energy production and the desalinization of ocean water aplenty, including a vortex that could draw hydrogen from outer space and suck all the water out of it. www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2020/new-evidence-our-neighborhood-in-space-is-stuffed-with-hydrogen
Fusion power is a proposed form of power generation that would generate electricity by using heat from nuclear fusion reactions. In a fusion process, two lighter atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, while releasing energy - fusion reactors. I am not a scientist, so I refer you to Spitzer. He is founder and currently active as president of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing educational materials on the complementarity of science, philosophy, and faith. I blog about the things for which there is some competency and check and recheck whatever goes on this website. I have tutored a little science, like Earth Science, which interests me. Quora helps. Like of all of you, I am aware of peer pressures. I was raised to resist them and use my brain and encourage students to do their own research and not blindly accept anything, even what I say, and sometimes I make mistakes, which they correct! With all this romancing Latin, one might think I have it in my blood. Yes. My ancestry is 13% French. The rest is Celtic and a tiny bit Norse, but the language I speak and you speak is 29% French and 29% Latin. Latin had a lot of babies before she died, but perhaps I and others are resuscitating and romancing the pretty lady.
IN 1492 In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue. He had three ships and left from Spain; He sailed through sunshine, wind and rain. He sailed by night; he sailed by day; He used the stars to find his way. A compass also helped him know How to find the way to go. Ninety sailors were on board; Some men worked while others snored. Then the workers went to sleep; And others watched the ocean deep. Day after day they looked for land; They dreamed of trees and rocks and sand. October 12 their dream came true, You never saw a happier crew! "Indians! Indians!" Columbus cried; His heart was filled with joyful pride. But "India" the land was not; It was the Bahamas, and it was hot. The Arakawa natives were very nice; They gave the sailors food and spice. Columbus sailed on to find some gold To bring back home, as he'd been told. He made the trip again and again, Trading gold to bring to Spain. The first American? No, not quite. But Columbus was brave, and he was bright. The singers sing in pseudo-Latin, but they sound great. Someone said it is ancient Romanian. The following lyrics are repeated: In nòreni per ìpe, in noreni coràh; tirà mine per ìto, ne dominà. The last time the refrain is sung, it becomes: In ròmine tirmèno, ne ròmine to fa, imàgine pro mèno, per imentirà. For me, words sometimes matter less than the feelings produced by, and the intent of, a song. Anyway, it is fun to sing the powerful lyrics with them and sound very Roman. I am no sailor, but I think tossing the stick over the side is to determine speed. One counts the seconds to pass-by. It would not be a jiffy, not on these craft, because a jiffy is 1/100 of a second.
Defending tradition is just one aspect of being a Catholic. However, any attempt to expunge those with consuetude by throwing stones at them will fail. “I remember myself so to have done, and that is my common consuetude when anything pierceth or toucheth my heart.” Robert Louis Stevenson.
![]() Oil on canvas titled Elegy circa 1900, owned by National Museum in Warsaw, in the public domain, artist Karol Tichy 1871-1939. The Daughters of Charity habit also appears in other Paris street scenes. Historical pictures of the Battle of Gettysburg and the Daughters of Charity nursing on the field. The vimeo video is narrated. My cousin entered the DC in 1961 wearing a habit with cornette like the picture. She recently celebrated 60 years after serving as chairman of the board for two Bay Area hospitals. https://vimeo.com/101180786 Diary of a Country Priest (1951) is a French Art House film with English subtitles. I found the free version at last and highly recommend the film for its realism and loyalty theme. The writer did not sugar-coat anything, and the actor lost weight to play the role. Journal d'un curé de campagne (Diary of a Country Priest) 1951 [Robert Bresson] - Bing video
Joseph and Barbara, theirs forever ![]() Photo of student and tutor from Arbiter Records. Age 12-16, Rachmaninoff lived with his tutor, Nicolai Zverev, and three other boys. The schedule was nine to noon for music and music composition followed by academics in the afternoon. Rachmaninoff 1873-1943 wrote Vocalise. I played Chopin but not Rachmaninoff when I was taking piano lessons age 11-15. This is how I learned to read music and fall in love. Problems with my fingers persuaded me to give my piano and all the exercise books and sheet music to my nephew, Ryan, who told me he wanted his children to learn how to play. Though very hard to say good-bye to it, I am glad he has the piano. The best biography is Rachmaninoff by Victor I. Seroff 1951. Before Amazon existed, I had to ask a researcher to locate a copy for me. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rachmaninoff_-_Vocalise_transcribed_for_Violin_and_Piano.ogg Jesus speaks better Latin than Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. Short clip. SPQR are the initials of the Latin phrase Senātus Populusque Rōmānus, by Ssolbergj. The vexillum of the Roman Empire was a red banner with the letters SPQR in Gold surrounded by a gold wreath hung on a military standard topped by a Roman eagle or an image of the goddess Victoria made of silver or bronze, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4249122.
Most beautiful sounding language: Latin. My ear is trained. Shoot me if I am wrong. The video is evidence. Latin has what I call internal rhyme, caused by word endings. Compound nouns and their modifiers have the same-sounding endings. One can see this in the title of the video. Latin relies heavily on the consonant sounds, k (which includes qu and x), l, m, and n. Whenever one vocalizes the letters m and n, humming is going on, as in quemquam, which means anyone. Pilate: Non sum. I am not. Jesus: Ego sum. I am. Nova Schola Gregoriana, Alberto Turco, director of a group devoted to the study of Gregorian chant, basing its work on the research of scholars such as Dom Eugene Cardine, Dom Jean Claires, Luigi Agustoni, and Alberto Turco.
Winning international acclaim for its performances, the Schola was awarded the Golden Orpheus of the Paris Academie Nationale du Disque Lyrique, Fundacion J. Canteloube in 1987. Major companies headquartered in San Francisco:
Twitter, Wikipedia, Uber, Levi Strauss, Yelp, Airbnb Major companies headquartered south of San Francisco: You Tube, Visa, Facebook, Google, Quora, LinkedIn I picked companies I have patronized. Find the complete list here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_based_in_the_San_Francisco_Bay_Area Aqua, Latin for water. The web color aqua is identical to the web color cyan. It was one of the three secondary colors of the RGB color model used on computer and television displays. The name of the color model comes from the initials of the colors, red, green, and blue. In the HSV color wheel, aqua is precisely halfway between blue and green. HSV is an alternative representation of the RGB color model and was designed in the 1970s by computer graphics researchers. Aqua and cyan are used interchangeably in computer graphics. Both are made the same way on a computer screen by combining blue and green light at equal and full intensity on a black screen. Treasure aqua.
February 2025