Forming a pseudo-religion is nothing new. Read a brief post on the Environmental Law Institute.
“The Montagnards who considered worship necessary replaced the Catholic Sunday Mass by the civil mass of decadi. Having failed to reform and nationalize Catholicism they endeavored to form a sort of civil cult, a development of the worship of the fatherland which had been inaugurated at the feast of the Federation. “The Church of Notre-Dame-de-Paris became a temple of Reason, and the feast of Reason was celebrated on November 10. The Goddesses of Reason and Liberty were not always the daughters of low people; they frequently came of the middle classes.”
Louis-Maurice Boutet de Monvel (1850–1913)
Title: The Trial of Joan of Arc (Joan of Arc series: VI) Date: c. late 1909-early 1910 Medium: oil and gold leaf on canvas Dimensions: 75.57 × 171.45 cm (29 3/4 × 67 1/2 in.) Collection: National Gallery of Art Accession number: 2015.19.39 Credit line: Corcoran Collection (William A. Clark Collection) Source/Photographer: Wikipedia “Soon after the siege of Orléans was lifted, Jean Gerson said that Joan’s male clothes and haircut were appropriate for her calling, as she was a warrior, and men’s clothes were more practical. “Cross-dressing may have helped her maintain her virginity by deterring rape and signaling her unavailability as a sexual object; scholars have stated that when she was imprisoned, wearing men’s clothes would have only been a minor deterrent to rape as she was shackled most of the time. “For most of her active life, Joan did not cross-dress to hide her gender. Rather, it may have functioned to emphasize her unique identity as La Pucelle [virgin or maiden], a model of virtue that transcends gender roles and inspires people.” The angels are genderless, not people. Joan said that God and the angels commanded her to wear men’s clothes. A lying saint? Don’t think so. Male and female saints are not historical footnotes. They are alive. Who do you think populates Heaven? Your pet cat? Our Lord did not come down, your cat to rescue. Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is the second major form of frontotemporal degeneration that affects language skills, speaking, writing, and comprehension.
Saint Augustine
by Philippe de Champaigne Of Flanders, active in France Date: c. 1645 Size: 78.74 × 62.23 cm Medium: Oil on canvas Credit: Courtesy of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art More: Augustine is the one who said, "To sing is to pray twice." Do you know from whence this comes? Latin Mass...before the Cannon of the Mass This rhetoric is why the leftist appointees in the FBI investigated us, and why the SPLC put us on their hate group list, and why leftists across the world (UN, WEC, EC, WHO, etcetera) fear us. When galvanized we are a formidable force. We will have the US military on our side despite the current leadership's efforts to feminize the armed forces. If we had a Joan of Arc, I would have no problem with that. Joan of Arc in Battle
Central Part of The Life of Joan of Arc Triptych Artist: Hermann Stilke (1803–1860) Object type: painting Genre: religious art Description: Central Part of The Life of Joan of Arc Triptych Depicted people: Joan of Arc Date: 1843 Medium: oil on canvas Dimensions: 135 × 146 cm (53.1 × 57.4 in) Collection: Hermitage Museum Current location: The General Staff Building Room 350 Accession number: ГЭ-5005 Place of creation: Germany Object history: Winter Palace, 1925 I Have a Rendezvous with Death
BY ALAN SEEGER I have a rendezvous with Death At some disputed barricade, When Spring comes back with rustling shade And apple-blossoms fill the air-- I have a rendezvous with Death When Spring brings back blue days and fair. It may be he shall take my hand And lead me into his dark land And close my eyes and quench my breath-- It may be I shall pass him still. I have a rendezvous with Death On some scarred slope of battered hill, When Spring comes round again this year And the first meadow-flowers appear. God knows 'twere better to be deep Pillowed in silk and scented down, Where Love throbs out in blissful sleep, Pulse nigh to pulse, and breath to breath, Where hushed awakenings are dear ... But I've a rendezvous with Death At midnight in some flaming town, When Spring trips north again this year, And I to my pledged word am true, I shall not fail that rendezvous. Source: A Treasury of War Poetry (1917) eBook teaser: a rigid external covering for the body in some invertebrate animals, especially arthropods, providing both support and protection proof the uniformed are the best-dressed
Something like this theme song is what Alexander would like for our eBook when it is completed and becomes a movie ℗ 2010 Walt Disney Records. His vocabulary is very advanced, and today I finally succeeded in getting him to pronounce protocol correctly. It sounded like prodigal, which is very different. Our theory is that if you shoot for the stars, you might land on one. People are searching the internet for the term, surreal. Featured image: Yves Tanguy - Mama, Papa is Wounded, 1927. Captions, via Creative Commons “The name of this surreal painting is like children’s cry and resembles broken family relations as well as strong sexual connotation of wounded masculinity of the Father, but the real meaning of the abstract and archetypal symbols has been never revealed by the artist and stayed enigmatic.” I scanned the Frenchman's life. Not much of interest except that he had a terrible marriage to an American woman, and maybe that relates to wounded masculinity, a prominent feature in our world today. What is the answer for men? Take on Christ's masculinity, no one else's, and that takes a lifetime. Dali - Corpus Hypercubus, polyhedron net of a tesseract
“[The film] is a 1953 American musical fantasy film about a boy who dreams himself into a fantasy world ruled by a diabolical piano teacher enslaving children to practice piano forever. “It was the only feature film written by Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss), who wrote the story, screenplay, and lyrics. It was directed by Roy Rowland, with many uncredited takes directed by producer Stanley Kramer.” My friend Bill sent me the link. The stage sequence has fantastical props. Dick was born Chicago 1926, graduated from Berkeley HS 1949, attended UC Berkeley for three months (Sept. 1949-Nov. 1949), left, had his first story published 1952, and died 30 years later in 1982.
Self-described religious anarchist and ‘acosmic panentheist’, he opposed communism, Malthusianism, and eugenics, and was pro-life. The American Medical Association wants to remove gender from the birth certificate.
Intuitive Machines, aerospace company. Are you as surprised as I am by what has happened? I didn't know the company existed. Onboard payload includes a camera designed by students from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. One of my former students, Anthony, graduated with an M.S. in Safety Science from Embry. I messaged him today. Artists/industrial designers are needed in the aerospace industry, too. LUNR (NASDAQ) $9.59 +1.31 (+15.82%) About Anthony, we tutored him in high school English and math. I did the English part. He challenged us for three years. Just kidding. Look at what he accomplished! Notwithstanding Robles Ortega's decree of September 2021, the FSSP parish is going strong, and its YT page has 17,000 subscribers.
“When several members of the parish attempted to approach the cardinal on Sunday to respectfully ask for an audience with him about the matter, he refused, claiming he was speaking to their priests – a claim that CWR [The Catholic World Report] is told is untrue – and quickly withdrew, appearing to be discombobulated by the encounter. “Robles is known for his aloofness, and is believed to rarely grant audiences to laity in the archdiocese, in marked contrast to his predecessor, Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, whose doors were open several days of the week to any who sought an appointment with him.” Did Mary and Joseph ever smack Jesus when He was a boy? Well, I could look that one up, but the answer is obvious. No, because He was perfect. Did He ever cry? Of course, maybe upon finding a dead bird outside His house in Nazareth, and there is Lazarus.
We know He experienced hematohidrosis, a rare phenomenon identified by the National Institutes of Health. It is a condition in which capillary blood vessels that feed the sweat glands rupture, causing them to exude blood, and occurs under conditions of extreme physical or emotional stress. 43 And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony, he prayed the longer. 44 And his sweat became as drops of blood, trickling down upon the ground. 45 And when he rose up from prayer, and was come to his disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow. He sweat blood the night He was arrested. O farmers, more than happy if they’ve realised their blessings,
for whom Earth unprompted, supreme in justice, pours out a rich livelihood from her soil, far from the clash of armies! If no tall mansion with proud entrance disgorges a tide of guests at dawn, if they don’t gaze at doors inlaid with tortoiseshell, clothes threaded with gold, or bronzes from Ephyra, if their white wool’s not dipped in Assyrian dyes, nor the clear oil they use spoiled by rosemary, still there’s no lack of tranquil peace, life without deceit, rich in many things, the quiet of broad estates (caves, and natural lakes, and cool valleys, the cattle lowing, and sweet sleep under the trees): they have glades in the woods, and haunts of game, a youth of patient effort, accustomed to hardship, worship of the gods, and respect for old age: Justice, as she left the Earth, planted her last steps among them. As for me, may the sweet Muses, supreme above all, O fortunatos nimium, sua si bona norint, agricolas! quibus ipsa procul discordibus armis fundit humo facilem victum iustissima tellus. si non ingentem foribus domus alta superbis mane salutantum totis vomit aedibus undam, nec varios inhiant pulchra testudine postis inlusasque auro uestis Ephyreiaque aera, alba neque Assyrio fucatur lana veneno, nec casia liquidi corrumpitur usus olivi; at secura quies et nescia fallere vita, diues opum uariarum, at latis otia fundis, speluncae vivique lacus, at frigida tempe mugitusque boum mollesque sub arbore somni non absunt; illic saltus ac lustra ferarum et patiens operum exiguoque adsueta iuventus, sacra deum sanctique patres; extrema per illos Iustitia excedens terris vestigia fecit, BKII: 458-542 The Joys of True Life Publius Vergilius Maro, b. Cisalpine Gaul 70 BC, d. Brindisi, Italy 19 BC Artist Philippe de Champaigne (1602–1674)
Title The Dream of Saint Joseph Object type painting Genre religious art Date between 1642 and 1643 Medium oil on canvas Dimensions height 82.4 in, width: 61.3 in Collection National Gallery Accession number NG6276 (National Gallery) References
Armed with your torches and your serpents,
from your dark foul realm, ye companions of cruel frenzy, O Furies, come to us. With your whips, with death and slaughter, lead us and teach our enraged breasts to avenge the death of so great a general. Armatae face et anguibus a caeco regno squallido furoris sociae barbari, furiae, venite ad nos. Morte, flagello, stragibus vindictam tanti funeris irata nostra pectora duces docete vos. Fr. Vivaldi is pleased with his students, and if you tell me poetry doesn't matter, I'm going to send this woman after you. Disney began its second, largest job cuts in April 2023, affecting ESPN, Disney Parks, Disney Entertainment, and the Experiences and Product division. Pretty much everything is copyrighted except Steamboat Willie, the original mouse. soprano highest female register Title
Nisi Dominus Lyrics Cum dederit dilectis suis somnum Ecce hereditas Domini filii merces fructus ventris. Title Without God Lyrics For he brings rest to those he has chosen Behold, they are a legacy and a testament of the Son of God. The photos contain water, light, and firmament, aspects of Catholic theology. Now listen to andreas scholl latin. ALABAMA SUPREME COURT DESTROYED EMBRYOS ARE WRONGFUL DEATHS photo from - womb milk Ironic it is that the part of the country that was once reviled and had the fewest Catholics has Catholic morality, and the bishops had nothing to do with it. EWTN still televises their installations, and they look like a muster of peahens. The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel approved allowing women's volleyball players to contact the ball more than once with any part of the body in a single attempt on a team's second contact when the ball is played to a teammate. Confused? I was, so I asked a former student's mom to explain. When you contact the ball with your finger tips using both hands, both hands need to come in contact at the same time. If one hand (fingers) touches the ball first, before the other one, even for a split second, the ball spins in a way it wouldn't if it were a single contact. Like in basketball, once you pick up your dribble, you cannot dribble again and must pass the ball to a teammate. That rule was overturned, but it did not apply to a double contact on a block. The Dead Christ supported by Two Angels
Artist: Carlo Crivelli 1430-1495 Period: Italian Renaissance Style: conservative Late Gothic decorative sensibility Owner: The National Gallery, London Download: free under terms |
February 2025