“Customs and Border Protection (CBP One) is a smartphone app that encourages foreign people residing in Mexico who are pregnant, mentally ill, old, crippled, destitute, or victims of crime to make an appointment with officers at the border in the expectation that they may be released into American neighborhoods.”
… “According to a recent study by Adam Shaw of Fox News, more than 99 percent of foreign nationals who use the smartphone app end up getting allowed into the interior of the United States. “This success rate is astounding given the sometimes-complex asylum procedure.” https://americandigest.com/report-finds-non-u-s-citizens-who-use-joe-bidens-migrant-mobile-app-have-a-99-chance-of-being-allowed-to-enter-the-united-states/? What about all the other people on the immigration waiting list? It reminds me of people cutting in front of others waiting in line.
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September 2024