Brief biography/obituary of Father Calvin Goodwin who left the Jesuits and was received by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter in 2004.
One can watch the Latin Mass live at the FSSP website if there is none nearby. Broadcasts come from different countries. The text of daily Mass is there in Latin and English. Contrary to what many Catholics think, Vatican II did not abrogate it. Go to Click LIVEMASS. At the bottom of the page, click MISSAL. That takes one automatically to the Mass of the day, which means that one does not have to own a Missal. Also at the website is a three and a half hour video of ordination day in Warrington, England. At about 1:47, incense and light from the windows bathe the altar face with a magenta glow. The gospel is the good and faithful servant. I see two priests from the US I know and one from Nigeria I recognize but do not know. Many women and girls of our parish wear a veil. Recently, I saw a beautiful red and gold veil, more like a shawl, perhaps from India. JP 2 approved the FSSP. Francis is obstructing the Missal, which dates to the 1500s and, perhaps, as far back as St. Augustine (354-430). The literary English translation surpasses all others. Agatha Christie begged for it to remain, and so it has.
Josef Ketzer
5/7/2022 11:57:46 am
A very useful clue, Thank You very much, Bobby, I will visit this site for sure 👍!
5/7/2022 01:49:09 pm
Hey Joe: This post comes after almost two years at St. Stephen. I have no idea why it took me so long to find the daily Latin Mass online. Once in a while, I have been confused which Mass is the Mass of the day, and now I have the answers! You will like this resource. Bobby
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