wise Latin - Acta, non verba action not words Discendo, discimis. By teaching, we learn. Ad astra, per aspera through hardships to the stars Astra inclinat, sed non obligant. The stars incline us; they do not bind us. Dum spiro, spero. While I breathe, I hope. Amor vincit omnia. Love conquers all. Aere perrenius more lasting than bronze Felix culpa happy fault (qui adduxit me ad dominum nostrum - that brought me to Our Lord) Barba tenus sapientus wise as his beard beautiful Latin - Imber rain shower Solis occasum setting of the sun Lux brumalis light of winter Aurora borealis morning light from the north Apricus full of sunlight Crepusculum twilight Manus in malo hand in hand In perpetuum et unum diem forever and one day Alis propiis volat. She flies with her own wings. Mellifluus flowing with honey Susurrus to whisper (onomatopoeia) Meliora better things scary Latin - Fulminare to flash with thunderbolts Brutum fulmen senseless threat Umbra shadow Stolen from Kate Miller-Wilson
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January 2025